With a Side of Kick's Journal
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Saturday, May 20th, 2006

    Time Event
    Comic (aka Azi needs to buy herself a tablet ASAP)
    Okay, so I've been working out plotlines for two comics I want to draw, but one of them has decided it doesn't want an opening scene. So that one's a bit of a write-off for now, because I can't really post it anywhere until it has a good plot line. Plus, I want that one to be really shiney.

    The other idea isn't as important to me, as it's actually mostly really obscure backstory for the first one. Plus, I got an idea for the beginning comics. So I drew out the prologue last night. Then I scanned it in, and was working on cleaning up the pages to make them postable. This is how the first page ended up:

    I am a fake cut to some bad art. fear me!

    So yeah. My skills at mouse-inking are teh awful.

    With a Side of Kick,


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