Shores Lines [SLS] - October 5th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Shores Lines [SLS]

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October 5th, 2009

[Oct. 5th, 2009|08:06 pm]
I would lovvve to bring this girl in. I am currently working on her bio. She was born in Santa Monica and went to school there.  At the moment I have her father as a well known music producer and because most of his clients were in New York, he packed up his family and moved there when Violet was about 16? For years now she had known she wanted to model, following the footsteps of her Australian mother. She has been busy in New York grazing covers. You can most likely see her being photographed in a bikini or something summery at the beach. After 5 years of absence she is coming back to Santa Monica to catch up with some friends and maybe having time out for awhile. If her modeling career suddenly fades she wants to go into Forensics. I have a connection already, her child friend is, [info]colbieh they went on a couple of dates and just before her family moved she went to Europe with Colbie's mother and her mother during the summer. She's single, and I might have her wearing a purity ring...I'm undecided about that one...what do people think about that? I'd love some more connection, especially friends from childhood, I'm sure she would have kept in touch with those who were closest to her!
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