Shores Lines [SLS] - June 12th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Shores Lines [SLS]

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June 12th, 2009

[Jun. 12th, 2009|02:12 pm]
I forgot all about this. But whatever, hey there! This is Tabor Donovan a born and raised LA rich girl who spent some years in New York after graduating from a private high school. She's been back in Cali for a few months now, living in Escape 303. She doesn't have a job and has no idea what she wants to do, nor is she really gungho about figuring it out since she's having a hard enough time being in denial about the army man she loves dying overseas a year ago before they were able to get married.

[info]lydiam is her younger cousin whom she's always been really close with. Tabor can be a huge sweetheart ... she usually gets along with generally everyone, but, she has a low tolerance for drama and pettiness which can sometimes make her seem like a bitch. Since Perry's death she's gotten into heavy partying, drinking, occasional drug use, and random flings here and there. Her parents aren't too happy about all of that since it is the farthest thing from the acceptable Donovan appearance, but, Tabor has lost her sense of caring about that and various other things. She figures the more partying and fun she has continuously, the easier it'll be to block out what she doesn't want to feel.

So ... friends, acquaintances, potential flings, enemies, whatever you can think of will probably be great in my book.
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[Jun. 12th, 2009|03:53 pm]
Okay, so I was going to drop Kayla because I wasn't feeling her SL anymore BUT her baby brother doesn't want her to leave. So here is the deal. Kayla is 28 years old. She is no longer written as a chemist, she is a "field" reporter for ABC/ESPN. Single, her boyfriend and her decided that things were working, she saw herself single and he saw her being a wife. She's best friends with her little brother, he's the only person aside from her dad that she talks to in her family. Kay is the non-typical girly girl. Clothes and Shoes yes for work, outside of work she's the ultimate outdoors kind of girl. Kayla has a tendency to tell people they can go fuck themselves if they think she's a little too outspoken. Kids and her don't mix. She loves Basketball, football, baseball, golf, tennis, hockey but HATES NASCAR, RODEO, DRAG RACING anything of that nature. Once you get past her shell she's very funny and likes to have a good time.

Storylines she has right now, Brady her little brother, Hayden her sister-in-lawish, Jesse Rackam friend who tries to make her like kids but anything else I am totally open to!
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