Shores Lines [SLS] - January 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Shores Lines [SLS]

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January 28th, 2009

[Jan. 28th, 2009|09:07 pm]
I'm just going to say that this is all coming off the top of my head, here. I'm just writing down what I think Jason will be like so if it doesn't make much sense, I'm sorry.

His name is Jason, he has no last name right now. I wish I could make him like Cher and say he doesn't have a last name at all, but obviously I won't be doing that. I just need to think of a good last name for him, of course if anyone wants a brother or anything like that I'm very open. I don't have a family figured out for him just yet, anyway. So on to the ad here. What this is all about. His name is Jason, he's 21 years old and a complete party guy. His favorite things, girls, sex, girls, drinking, sex and girls. He loves having sex with girls while drinking more then anything. While it may sound whorish and asshole like...he is really neither. Well perhaps he can be a bit of a whore, but he doesn't like that word. He likes...Sexually friendly. He is really your typical 21 year old guy. He flunked out of college. He was put on academic probation and still was too hung over to attend any of his classes, so he was kicked out. He is a music fanatic and wants to be a radio DJ some day. He used to work at the college radio station where he had a midnight radio show called JERKING OFF WITH JASON. No one listened to it that late, anyway...then the FCC was called in due to some of the things he said on the air and once again that added in to his being kicked out of school.

Currently he lives on the beach. He loves it. The ocean is his toilet, his shower. The sand is his bed and the animals are his family. He has a nice set up. A tent and when he has company a air mattress and he lights a fire for mood lightning~. As you can see, Jason is a very interesting yet simple fella who needs lines because he...has nothing as of now. So what do you say, people? How about it?
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