Shinobis and SOLDIERs' Journal
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Monday, September 3rd, 2007

    Time Event
    Well, it was pretty much a given...
    After the response [info]icedark_elf received for her little snippet, I think it pretty much was guaranteed to be made into a comm.

    I wrote more than a few drabbles in her comments, and figured I'd compound them here in one big post. All of them are work safe, rated G, and mostly focused on Zack and Cloud and how they came to be SOLDIERs, though there is one little one based on Tifa. They're listed in chronological order and have been edited slightly.

    Slight Spoilers from the Manga.

    Crossposted to my journal.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Breathe Into Me - Red
    fic-drabble (not betad) intro
    Title: ???
    Author: Youko Rayah
    Fandom(s): FF7, Naruto
    Type: Crossover
    Warnings: Violence, Language, WTF moments
    Summery: FF7 characters reincarnate in Naruto's world. Be afraid.
    Disclaimer: Only the idea is mine. Nothing else.


    The battle raged in the Forest of Death. Sasuke Uchiha attacked with everything he had against the snake-like man he was now, only now, realizing was not a genin. He readied a Fire Jutsu, wondering as he did about the sense of wrongness thrumming through him. As if he should be attacking in some other way. The wrongness was quickly overwhelmed by shock/horror when the man was unscathed by the attack. Shock/horror turned to out right panic when the man's neck elongated and he bit the Uchiha heir. Then darkness descended.


    He became aware in an expanse of endless black. A void that went on forever.

    "Well, that certainly could have gone better."

    Sasuke spun around to face the speaker. He was tall, with spiky black hair, and an absurdly large sword on his back that seemed to be reminisce of Zabuza's. He was dressed in odd blue/black pants, and a dark sleeveless top. An oddly studded bracer adorned his right wrist, sparkling with colored orbs in the dark.

    "Who are you," came the demand.


    "Answer me!"

    "I just did, junior. I'm you. The you that you were 2000 years ago. It's called reincarnation. Get used to it, there's quite a few of the old guards reborn in the Village after all."


    "*sigh* Ok, From the top then. 2,000 years ago a darkness threatened the world. I died helping the guy who went on to stop said threat get to where he needed to be before it all got really started. He was one of my two best friends. He and an odd little group of mis-matched fighters saved the world. Eventually they all died, as all things do." He looked at the kid. "With me so far?"


    "Right, so any way, we all rested in the life-force of the planit, until we were needed again. We've been reborn, and the part of you that is em is now awake. Mostly cause if I didn't we'd have a repeat of the whole Sepheroth/Janova mess. Now we just gotta get through this little mess with our ass intact."

    "What happens now?"

    "Well, with the damage that snake bastad did you you, ya need to rest and heal. I'll take care of the rest."

    "And if I say no?"

    "Ya don't get a choice." Then he was gone, and Sasuke knew no more.


    I need a name for this thing!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: March on Cambreath by Heather Alexander
    Untitled ficlet...
    A follow up ficlet to the Tifa drabble from my last post. Set a few years later.

    Title: Untitled
    Author: [info]silara
    Rating: PG
    Characters: Tifa, Tazuna, mentions of others.
    Warnings: None, unless you count minutiae innuendo by pervy old men.
    Summary: Tifa reminisces.


    Crossposted to my journal.
    Steel forged souls
    Eh, title is a work in progress, as is ficcage cause this is mostly a collection of drabbles in order and in the same base timeline that I spammed Zack with after she threw a bunny at me. FYI, Iruka is my *favorite* character.

    Take a single thread from the weave, and the pattern is lost. )

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