June 4th, 2008

[info]sdk in [info]shellyness

Libertines, Serenity, Marilyn Monroe, Les Chansons d'amour

I've been making small batches of icons here and there and keeping forgetting to post, thus there's quite an eclectic group for today.


001-007 Les Chansons d'amour
008-013 Serenity (Jayne, Mal/Jayne)
014-020 Marilyn Monroe
021-029 Libertines

icons here )

xx comments and credit are lovely if you're so inclined
xx please no hotlinking
xx resources can be found in the user info except for the following:

+ Marilyn images were found doing a google image search
+ Libertine images were found thanks to thelibs_daily community on LJ
+ Les Chansons d'amour images were screencapped by me from this video.
+ Serenity images were screencapped by me.