November 25th, 2015



Question for everyone!

So Lacey and Toby and I need your help. Here's the deal:

The Moreau's, as you probably know, have the fun hobby of researching vampires by experimenting on vampires. They were directly responsible for some of the vampire/werewolf disappearances that happened before the last war and Lacey and I figured that would be a good backstory to explain where Dillon's been all this time.

Of course there's one small problem. Herrick is a pain in the ass and will definitely want revenge. So we've been trying to come up with a way to keep Herrick from killing Isaac and Ele. We have a few ideas but we thought we'd ask you in case anyone had any brilliant insight on how to handle the problem. Here's what we have:

1) The Moreaus have discovered a way to majorly slow down the healing time in vampires. So they do something horrible to Dillon's brain and let him go to test how long it will take him to recover. This doesn't solve the problem long term because sooner or later Dillon WILL feel better and will spill the beans. It is possible Arcturus could be aware of the Moreau's hobby and what they're doing and keeps Herrick in line or maybe people who Herrick respects can help temper his, well, temper - people like Sunni/Lycurgus.

2) Arcturus knows what the Moreaus are up to and uses the same kind of magic that creates the border around Shadow Falls to erase his memories kind of like when Herrick wore nightgowns for a month because he'd forgotten everything.

We're leaning towards option 1 unless someone has something better.

Any ideas?