November 15th, 2015



Intro Post

Hello everyone!

This is Anna. Lacey talked me into making a new character and I kind of wanted to play a woman so here we go! This is Elemalle Moreau, she lives with her twin brother Isaac Moreau in a house on the outskirts of town known as The Island (sensing a theme? :D). They moved in after the human rebellion but before the werewolf war and kind of just stick to themselves. They also live with their sire (Gatéan), his wife, and Gatéan's two other "children".

She is from the era of the French Revolution - I know we're having an invasion, right? She was turned during the Reign of Terror the day before her head was lobbed off although she, her brother, and their sire used the execution as a means of escape. As a result, she hates blood. The the smell and sight of it makes her sick so she hides her drink in booze or soda or kool-aid, stuff like that. Anyway! Looking forward to RPing with her. I'll let Lacey tell you about the Moreaus because they're...special but they should be able to shed some light on the whole "disappearances" that took place shortly after Arcturus took over.



Hi! Lacey here with my second character. This is Issac Moreau, [info]ver_sigh's twin brother. As Anna mentioned they're French, 220 ish years old. His family has been in Shadow Falls for a while but the time they spent outside of SF they played the roll of the perfect little family. Which they really are.... unless you're a vampire they've tested on then maybe you'd probably disagree. He doesn't hate himself or his kind.... he's just a little curious. With that being said he needs FRIENDS, enemies, ex lovers.Let's make some plans.