Posts Tagged: 'bertie+eden'

Oct. 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Bertie and Lucien
What: Bertie comes by to fill Lucien in on goings-on
Where: Lord and Lady Black's London home
When: 1 October, 1888 [Backdated]
Rating: PG

He's...missing )

Sep. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Malcolm Sayers and Bertram Eden
What: Personal news, and discussing futures
Where: The street, then the Lionhart
When: August 21st, 1888 [backdate because we legit forgot to post this for a month]
Rating: PG

In his limited experience, those seeking marriage weren't often experiencing sparks or butterflies--they were looking to make a good match with someone they could grow to love, over time. Having had something else, however - the sparks, the butterflies - he understood why Mal would look for it again. Bertie knew that he would, given a choice. )

Sep. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Gabriel Allen and Bertram Eden
What: Post-coital pillow talk about murder cases. Like you do.
When: 27th September, 1888
Where: Bertie's bedroom
Rating: PG-13 for adult themes

I'm afraid I've been distracted. And not in nearly as pleasant a way as you just demonstrated. )

Sep. 8th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Bertie and Thomas
What: Questions about a certain fae artifact
Where: The Lionhart
When: 4 September, 1888
Warning: None, PG

You should avoid that at all costs. )

Aug. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Bertie and Gabriel
What: Gabriel delivers Apology Scotch. And an apology. The two talk about Bertie's troubles. After this.
Where: Bertie's flat
When: 24 August, 1888 [slight backdate]
Rating: PG; suggestiveness, bawdy poetry

I don’t mean to intrude )

Aug. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Zipporah Bakst & Bertram Eden
What: Bertie calls on a witch for assistance
When: 23rd August, 1888 [backdated]
Where: Zipporah's home
Rating: PG

I am no necromancer )



[No Subject]

Who: Bertie and Biddie (and NPC!Benny, too!)
What: Bertie is asked to help; Biddie is asked to pay.
When: August 19th, 1888 [backdated]
Where: Kensington Gardens
Rating: R
Warning: Gross overuse of italics.

Oi, boy-o! Can you hear me, sonny? )

Aug. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Guests of Cassius Corbet, Una Nicnevin, and persons in the temporary employ of the Ravensworth Coven
What: An engagement cèilidh
Where: A barge towed by an airship on the Thames
When: Sunday, 27th August, 1888, afternoon to evening
Rating: This post is not yet rated!

It's still August in London, but out on the water there's a decent breeze. Entertainers - poets, musicians, and orators - are scattered around the barge, reciting legends and singing folk songs. Any guest who wishes to participate is encouraged to step up and take a turn telling the old tales. This is a celebration of shared history, and everyone present is invited to share their slice of it.

Other boats might pass closely enough that a full-scale dragon is unwise, but otherwise the supernatural is very much in evidence and no one will be asked to hide their nature. Any stray unknowing mortals who have wandered onboard will be dealt with before their departure.

As fear-an-tigh (man of the house), Cassius is hosting the event in honor of his future bride. The Night Watch are discreetly on hand to settle any disagreements, food and drink are spilling out of nearly every corner, and anywhere there is music is an invitation to dance. The airship above is a sleek model courtesy of Modern Prometheus, and a secure ladder allows guests to ascend to higher altitudes and take in the view.

OOC: Open to all, drop 'em in! Questions and discussion can be facilitated here.

Aug. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Malcolm Sayers and Bertram Eden
What: A first meeting and a toga party
Where: Cambridge
When: Backstory, October 1884
Rating: PG

We were just speaking of the poetry reading this evening; would you care to come? )

Aug. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Velathra/Bertie.
What: Velathra tracks down someone useful.
Where: Streets of London.
When: Day.
Warnings: N/A

The Expendable: )

Aug. 15th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Delia and Bertie
What: Chatting about the dead, and clocks
Where: In front of a clockmaker's store
When: August 15th, 1888
Warnings: General stuff about people dying

Something wonderful about having it all hidden away. )

Aug. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Gabriel Allen, Leah Allen, Bertie Eden, and Miss Lydia (NPC)
What: In Which Bertie Queries, Miss Lydia Passes Judgement, Leah is Frustrated, and Gabriel Creates a Diversion
Where: Miss Lydia's
When: 8 August, 1888 [Backdated]
Rating: PG-13

Apologies for taking you by surprise )

Aug. 13th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Lucien and Bertie
What: Bertie is made aware of recent developments
Where: The offices of the Night Watch
When: 9 August, 1888 [Slight backdate]
Rating: G

Mr Eden, I appreciate your assistance in this matter. )

Aug. 9th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Mac & Bertram Eden
What: Comfort and confidences
When: August 10, 1888
Where: The Lionhart
Rating: PG

Ye’d found a place ye fit, then ye lost it. Isnae a surprise ye’re feelin’ adrift. )

Aug. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Dex and Bertie
What: Meeting at a mummy un-wrapping party
When: July 29, 1888
Where: British Museum
Warning: Pg

I'm fairly well-acquainted with the dead )

Aug. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Gabriel Allen, Zipporah Bakst, Bertram Eden, NPC Matthew Hill, NPC James Percy
What: An unorthodox autopsy
Where: Black Park
When: 3rd August, 1888, mid-morning
Ratings/Warnings: PG; corpses

It was an unlikely band of investigators that arrived at Black Park around mid-morning on a Thursday. )

Jul. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Gabriel Allen and Bertram Eden
What: Hatching a plan
Where: The Spectacular Review
When: 26th July, 1888, evening rehearsal
Rating: PG

Ah, but the magic, you see, is when it’s all pulled together at the end. The rehearsal, at least at this stage, is all about creation. )

Jul. 31st, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Zipporah Bakst, Bertram Eden
What: A first meeting, and a business proposition
When: 22 July, 1888 [backdated]
Where: The streets of London
Rating:: PG

Hsst! )

Jul. 25th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Gabriel Allen and Bertram Eden
What: Discussing evidence on a trip abroad
Where: A charming guest room in France
When: 23rd July, 1888
Rating: PG-13 (mention of adult activities)

It’d been somewhat of an adventure to explore the law from the other side of things for a change. )

Jul. 20th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Maggie and Bertie
What: Breaking the news
Where: Her in-laws, London
When: right after This
Ratings/warnings: PG, mentions of violence

~~~~ )