December 17th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Bertram Eden, Zipporah Bakst, Gabriel Allen
What: On the subject of demons
Where: Bertie's rooms
When: 16th & 17th December, 1888
Rating: PG-13

I don’t think I’ve ever asked you whether you found it odd, to be referred to so blatantly as food )



[No Subject]

Who: Lucien Swinton, Cassius Corbet
What: A mostly civil conversation
Where: The Lionhart
When: 15 December, 1888 [Slight backdate]
Rating: PG, C for Cattiness

You needn’t belabour the point )



[No Subject]

Who: Katherine and Peter Foster
What: Katherine runs with a new pack.
When: This past full moon, December 3rd, 1888
Where: The Preserve
Rating: G

I'd like it if you ran with us each full moon. )