June 7th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Lucien Swinton, Maggie Stanbury
What: A rather momentous walk in the park
When: 6th June, 1888
Where: A park nearby Maggie's in-laws' London house
Rating: PG

You can’t possibly be interested in me! )



[No Subject]

Who: Leah and Gabriel
What: Leah's been at the Academy a week. Time to check in.
Where: Miss Lydia's
When: 8 June 1888
Ratings/warnings: PG?

Leah wouldn’t go so far as to say she hated Miss Lydia’s )



[No Subject]

Who: Mac and Zipporah
What: Curiosity
Where: The Lionhart
When: 7 June 1888

d’ye have any idea how close ye came tae blowing yourself tae kingdom come? )