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Saturday, October 25th, 2008

    Time Event
    New Term, new start
    The school creaked noisily, settling itself back into a comfortable stance. Dust drifted silently out of the open door, the pale sun filtering in past it, illuminating the hard stone floor of the school, the crumbling stonework, the fading pictures upon the walls, and a rather tall, slender woman dressed all in black.

    Headmistress Bell was making her final routine checks about the place before the new term started. Any day now students from all across the globe will be pushing the way through the solid doors into the ancient heart of the school, ready to learn. Everything had to be just right. Her heels clicked rhythmically on the stone clad floor as she marched along the now deserted corridors, clipboard in hand and pen in the other. The summer had been a long and busy one, sorting out new staff for the term, checking that the old abandoned hall which the school now occupied was fit to withstand the bustle of school life, and anaylising all the students forms to check they were alligiable for her school.

    When she was satisfied, Mistress Bell returned to her office to finish up her paperwork and wait for the first arrivals.

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