St. Joan's School for Girls' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
St. Joan's School for Girls

St. Joan’s School for Girls
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St. Joan’s is an all girl High School and residence. They take all kinds from the bright to the trouble makers, the rich to the poor, and the popular to the unpopular. The professors also work closely with the girls to help them succeed. Despite that, school work seems to be the last thing on anyone’s mind.

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[07 Jun 2014|05:11am]
WHO: Persephone/Jacy.
WHAT: Jacy gets annoyed on behalf of an acquaintance.
RATING: Sephy is involved, so...

Getting taken aside and hauled under the bleachers wasn't something Persephone had planned for, to say the least. A surprised yelp of, "Hey!" Then she was grabbed by the upper arm and pulled over.

Oh, she had noticed the girl storming over in her direction, but treatment like this simply wasn't something she could have predicted.

"Watch the arm!" Protested the blonde, giving a squirming yank out of the hand-hold clamped upon her. Succeeding, but it took some effort. Jacy... Something. Had seen her around. Eyes narrowing in annoyance as she straightened spine. "Do that again and I'll make sure you regret it."

[ viewing | June 7th, 2014 ]
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