August 2007

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August 17th, 2007

[info]thegreatmissjj in [info]sexyharryspecs

Excuse Me While I Get Obnoxious.

Unnecessary spamming ahead, sorry!

I will be in the processing of transferring fanart and fanfic into this journal to be used concurrently with my Livejournal.

[info]thegreatmissjj in [info]sexyharryspecs

FIC: Strands of Grey - Ginny/Cho - R

Title: Strands of Grey
Rating: R (for language and some scenes of sexuality)
Pairing: Ginny/Cho
Notes: I fully admit that I like this pairing for its aesthetic value. Fiery curly red hair and freckled skin with inky black silk and porcelain flesh? HELL YES. This fic is an exploration of that. Ginny/Cho is my first femmeslash pair ever and they're still my favourite. Written in early 2005. Rereading, I'm aghast to find cliché writing and unashamedly purple prose, but there's something about this piece I still really love.

Strands of Grey )

[info]thegreatmissjj in [info]sexyharryspecs

FIC: Crash Into Me - Part I - Fred/Cho - PG-13

Title: Crash Into Me: Part I
Rating: PG-13 (for some language)
Pairing: Fred/Cho
Summary: So what does it matter if Fred Weasley has a crush? Who cares? George and Lee do. Fred will do anything to keep them from finding out just who the lucky lady might be. Who knows what could happen?
Notes: This fic is slightly hysterical. I wrote it back in 2000 when I was a junior in high school when I was participating in an RPG where I played Cho. I still give it a fond hug every once in a while.

Crash Into Me: Part I )

[info]thegreatmissjj in [info]sexyharryspecs

FIC: Crash Into Me - Part II - Fred/Cho - PG-13

Title: Crash Into Me: Part II
Rating: PG-13 (for some language)
Pairing: Fred/Cho
Summary: A date with Cho Chang? No problem, right?
Notes: The second and last part of this fic. It's unfinished and will remain that way..

Crash Into Me: Part II )