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Dec. 22nd, 2008


[ficlet] Excuses, Excuses...Again - Niya x Sakito - 2/2

Title: Excuses, Excuses...Again
Rating: R
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito (Nightmare)
Disclaimer: Pure fiction and maybe some crack.
Comments: College AU. This is a little bit...strange. Writing meme continuation of the first part.

Location: Bed )


[50stories] Excuses, Excuses - Niya x Sakito - 1/2

Title: Excuses, Excuses
Theme: #3 amusement
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito (Nightmare)
Disclaimer: Pure fiction and maybe some crack.
Comments: College AU. This is a little bit...strange.

Let's talk about sex. )


[50stories] Tea and Cigarettes - Niya x Sakito - 1/1

Title: Tea and Cigarettes
Theme: #2 - alcohol
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ni~yaxSakito (Nightmare)
Disclaimer: All in my head.
Comments: Uhh...hope there's not too many typos.

alcohol )


[50stories] Unexpected - Niya x Sakito - 1/1

Title: Unexpected
Theme: #1 Accident
Rating: Uhh...R? Undescriptive sex.
Pairing: Ni~yaxSakito (Nightmare)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Comments: Niya POV, non-AU. It's really more of a long-ish drabble, but that's all that came out. Sorry... X3; I can't decide if I actually like it or not.

unexpected )

Dec. 21st, 2008


[1sentence challenge] Butterfly Kiss

Title: Butterfly Kiss
Fandom: Nightmare
Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito
Theme set: A
Rating: PG-13
Warning[s]: Mentions of m/m sex.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Theme Set A )

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