WARSONGS; out of character.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
WARSONGS; out of character.

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intro omg. [07 Aug 2011|12:48am]
Doing this very quickly because it's late but if I don't post it now, I'll probably forget to. As is my way. And hi, it's Kat :D

Carwyn Bennett is a vampire who's been with the Boston Krovi Seethe for about six years and originally hails from Wales. He was a medical student and soldier in WW1 who got bit in France and then ended up travelling through Europe and to the States with his maker. Currently he works the night shift at a hospital morgue and he lives in the Seethe house because it's not like his job is very well paid :/ Plus he likes the company! Carwyn is friendly, fun and incredibly loyal to the Seethe. He also has a habit of looking after the bb vampires or anyone new to the Seethe, so he can usually be found showing them the ropes or answering all those embarrassing questions. He rarely kills humans unless told to and instead tends to compel them since he's particularly good at that. And yes, he does have a habit of snacking on the young, drunk and reckless or anyone living who takes a trip to the morgue. Convenience food. Oh and he's also a little prejudiced towards Italians and Germans? Sorry guys, WW1 and all >> His full profile is here but I think that's all the important stuff covered! Have a friends button for your time :D
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