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[09 Sep 2009|11:42am]

[ mood | hungry ]

Dude, I don't care what anyone says...I freakin' love lunchables

102 comments|post comment

[08 Sep 2009|07:40am]

Right. As if clowns weren't a mistake of human endeavour already. Slightly concerning to know that one happens to be the mastermind behind stealing people from their times. Because that's just what the world needed. Another painted freak with kleptomania issues.

Jack, Gwen? How are you both holding up?
42 comments|post comment

[08 Sep 2009|12:50am]

What does a lady have to do to converse with the man who manages this situation?
3 comments|post comment

[07 Sep 2009|11:59pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Can't sleep. Nightmares again..every single time All the infomercials suck...insomnia is a pain in the ass.

95 comments|post comment

[07 Sep 2009|02:01am]

I find it exasperating that everything seems slower here. I know my standards are high, but… I am use to things working at higher capacity then this.

I can only imagine what Spock is thinking.
4 comments|post comment

[06 Sep 2009|09:06pm]

I got a job at a bar, which kind of feels like moving backwards but whatever. They have Sabbath Sunday Karaoke which is pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever heard of.
31 comments|post comment

[06 Sep 2009|08:21am]

Well this is certainly interesting.
80 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|10:29pm]

[ mood | geeky ]

Sammy )

12 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|08:02pm]

Private to Joker )
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[05 Sep 2009|06:04pm]

Me and Dean have changed our minds and decided to have a costume party instead of a “normal” party.

No clowns allowed!

If you come as any form of a clown, you are not welcome and will leave.

The party will be in a few days.
32 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|01:55pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

So, uh damnit I suck at this crap

Me and Zoe decided to have a party. Outside of Bozo the psycho clown, pretty much an open invitation. Figured it'd be good to meet everyone. Just remember she's ridiculously hot

167 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|02:58am]

Private to those who KNOW Oracle )

God I miss Dad...

Another Addition:
Ted )
25 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|01:56am]

Everyone seems so...used to it here. It's been about half a month, and I still can't imagine accepting this place as a new home.
40 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|01:19am]

Okay, now what is this rubbish, how did I suddenly get here? Please tell me. I would really like to know. For future reference, it really is not a good idea to fuck with ME. It really isn't. I bet the Nazarene is behind this. Damn hippie carpenter preacher. But that's fine, I hear he gets that from his father. Damn, I should still be in Chicago, boarding a bus for my trip to Yale.

I should probably introduce myself. I was taught manners by my late parents, after all. My name is Damien Thorn. Just inherited my foster father's corporation Thorn Industries. Graduated from Davidson Military Academy. I also made a few extra friends, they belong to a secret society or something. But I'm guessing it doesn't matter now. I can't reach Neff or Buher by phone. They always pick up when they know it's me. Always. But.. they aren't.
3 comments|post comment

[05 Sep 2009|01:12am]

Barbara. )
31 comments|post comment

[04 Sep 2009|04:08pm]

For hire: 1 mercenary/assassin/babysitter
Pay: USA moneys, cashier's check, paypal, tacos
19 comments|post comment

[04 Sep 2009|03:53pm]

Members of Torchwood )
2 comments|post comment

[04 Sep 2009|01:15pm]

Claire. )
12 comments|post comment

[04 Sep 2009|08:33am]

I have a feeling this isn't Metropolis. If it is I certainly don't see what all the hype was about.

Ah, well. Might as well make the most of it. I haven't interacted with humans since the last time I played the Genie in the bottle game. What is it you mortals do for fun these days?
14 comments|post comment

[04 Sep 2009|12:07am]

Bloody hell...

Where the hell am I?
10 comments|post comment

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