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OOC for Que Sera, Sera - an HP next gen RPG

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February 18th, 2008 @ 12:02pm

Brooklond is BACK and better than EVER!

We finally got our internet back...but alas Brandon is out with his dork friends! He'll be back sometime later and probably seek you out also!

So what have I missed?! I see lots of new peoples! And new boysChace and Sean for MJ to cuddles!

Hit me up so we can backstory!
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February 17th, 2008 @ 1:16am

Hokay. So. This is Tyra with her second. FINALLY!

This is Jacob Stone, 7th year Claw. Muggleborn, but sort of estranged from most of his family after a pretty big fight this summer. He's a HUGE bookworm, but sort of has his own quirky charm and magnetism that makes him pretty hard to dislike. And, because I fail at describing him, check out his profile here.

So, backstory?
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February 16th, 2008 @ 6:44pm

Hey guys!

I just wanted to apologize for not being around lately. Not only has school been crazy, but the other day we lost our internet connection. (Our cable line was accidentally cut) But I'm back now! Any new characters or plots I should be aware of, please let me know here if you could!

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February 15th, 2008 @ 9:27pm

Hay Guys! April here with another character! 7th year Puff's WERE lonely until now because I introduce to you Henry Covinton, 7th year Hufflepuff!

Henry LOVES Rugby, Women, and women who play rugby. Okay, he loves more than that, but those are the basics. He's VERY much a gentleman, opening doors for girls, pulling out their chairs, calling them darling and just treating them like a princess. He's pretty confident, very trusting, and can be a little bit domineering as partner in class. Also, he's pretty innocent acting and he's incredibly sweet and has a huge heart. To the point of being codependent.

Anyway, backstory away. Application is here for reference.

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Hola =] [
February 15th, 2008 @ 2:41pm
Hey everyone, Ivan here with my fifth character. Yes, I've gone the way of Jade, Ali, and Loki. =O!

Anyways, meet Forrest Hopkins, seventh year Hufflepuff, because were sadly lacking in them. He's extremely optimistic and friendly, not to mention sun-shiny. He's the type to wish you a happy Monday just because. He's sunny exterior is thanks to his family, an no, not because they are happy. His parents all but hate each other and are always arguing, so he tries to make up for it by being extra-happy. He's really a brilliant guy, only not really in his school work. He's got amazing amount of common sense, though, so he makes up for it.

And yeah, since I really do suck at this, go here! and find out everything you need to know.

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A little help from a friend.... [
February 14th, 2008 @ 10:13pm
Hey everyone! I don't know how many people know about this, but yeah.

So back on GJ, I used the multi icon uploader, which basically does what it says. It uploads the icons so you don't have to! And I just found a version for IJ! HUZZAH! So, I figured that maybe some of you could benefit from it as well, so I uploaded it to sendspace for you guys!!!


And I've not used this version yet, but it's keywordable, so you can keyword your icons before you upload. I think. HERE!

And the 'official' instructions.

• Instructions for use (Win) - put all your icons in the folder, double click 'upl.bat' and type in your username and password
• Instructions for use (Mac) - put all your icons in the folder, ctrl-click 'upload.sh,' open with > terminal and type in your username and password
• Instructions for keywording - name the icon what you want as its keyword before uploading

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February 13th, 2008 @ 8:45pm

Hey everyone! This is Loki again, coming to introduce my fifth, yes, fifth character. Jade says I'm crazy. I do not disagree. ;)

So this is Steven Meriwether. He's a 7th year Claw, because Loki had enough 6th years who just exudes perfection. He's rich and well-liked, he makes everything he does seem amazing. He's not very suave or "cool", but he is extremely charming and just has a goodness about him. Something people wouldn't guess about him is that he was almost sorted into Slytherin for his inherent ability to lie and scheme, but it was decided that since he didn't use these talents for selfish reasons, he didn't belong there. He was raised in a family of credited psychics, so it was always assumed he had the ability as well, and though he technically does, it's pretty much like Trelawny and only comes when absolutely necessary. He broadcasts that he can use it at will, though, and makes educated guesses "predictions" and tells them to people in an effort to help them.

And this is getting long, so everything else about him is here.

So, friends? Not-so-great friends? Past girlfriends? I'm sure this one has actually had a few of those...
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February 12th, 2008 @ 10:08pm

Okees, so I'm back and off hiatus and Artagan & Vivienne are back in action! ...though since I never really posted about my hiatus on the OOC board, aside from the mods probably no one else knew so nevermind. 8D


And I noticed we have new people (and some old people that I have yet to BS with), backstory with me? 8D I have Artagan-Sionn Urquhart [info]germophobic and Vivienne Song [info]adlibitum
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February 10th, 2008 @ 8:03pm

Apologies coming from the twins (Brooklond and Brandon)!!!!

Their internet just got killed like two days ago and they sent message with me that they'll be back ASAP!!
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February 9th, 2008 @ 1:10pm

Hey there. I'm Steph and I'm bringing Troy Clemens into play. He's a 7th year Gryffindor who is the Quidditch captain and Seeker. He's quiet and confident except with girls and is a sweet and kind young man. He's pretty much only love is Quidditch and dreams of being a professional Quidditch player.

Everything you need to know is right here.
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