Que Sera, Sera - Out of Character comm [entries|friends|calendar]
OOC for Que Sera, Sera - an HP next gen RPG

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Community Closed [
July 20th, 2008 @ 7:30pm
Sadly, our time at Que Sera, Sera has come to a close. We thank you for spending your time with us and playing your characters in our universe, but as activity has dropped to a standstill and our real lives and other commitments take us away, we have decided to close the community. We wish you all well in your roleplaying endeavors.

~The Mods
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May 2nd, 2008 @ 7:30pm

Hey everyone! I finally had time to get back on. I should have posted sooner but I've been weighed down with so much stuff but I'm back! So sorry for being gone so long!
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May 2nd, 2008 @ 7:46am

Hey everyone.

I'm still on hiatus due to school - but I graduate from college on May 11, so only another week! I'll probably jump back into things sometime through the week after my ceremony, as I need to sleep for like three days straight. Not to worry, Cal and Evie will both be back quite soon - and maybe even with a new buddy to boot (if I decide to work on one and it's approved, of course).

Anyway, the point of this post was just to tell you I'm alive and wish everyone a happy 10th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts and the defeat of Voldemort!

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May 1st, 2008 @ 11:58pm

I LIVE! Or at least I'm done with my hiatus (and should have posted about it sooner) but, I'm alive! Artagan and Vivienne are totally still here and I'm sorry for all the plots I've been missing. And the new players that have joined since my hiatus, hi!

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April 26th, 2008 @ 12:01pm

Sorry for being sort of MIA lately; my laptop is made of fail, which hasn't made it easy to get online. Sadly though, it seems to have completely died so I'm going to be on a semi-hiatus for the next week or two. I'm going to try to sneak on to other computers when I can so you may see a comment or two from me, but for the most part, I'm going to be on hiatus. I will be available for modly things, and I'm going to try to be online (Emosaurus R3x at AIM, amethystwind89@gmail.com) if you need me

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Greetings! [
March 26th, 2008 @ 4:45pm

Hello, all! My name is Clare and, as you can see, I'm new around here. I bring you Meg Llewellyn, sixth-year Ravenclaw, who is pleased to meet you all. (Well, maybe not everyone...) Let's see, brief summary of what she's like... Sarcastic and a bit abrasive when she's uncomfortable (such as with new people), but chatty and loyal to friends. Loves to learn and ask questions and does not shy away from eavesdropping. Also likes to be helpful, and loves to sew, in addition to being quite stylish. Muggleborn and not entirely happy about it.

So, friends? Ex-friends? Mortal enemies? Let us know! I'm not much of an AIM person, but I'm always available by email (gwraig.annwn@gmail.com).
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March 14th, 2008 @ 10:32pm

I've been on a sort of hiatus for the past three weeks, but I'm going on an actual one this weekend. I leave for New York tomorrow morning, and I won't get back until Tuesday. It's way too much trouble to bring my laptop so I shall be internetless. But it's spring break and the exchange students are gone, which means that, in theory, I will actually be around and can finish threads and tags and what not.

Except I still have a giant geogs project of doom, and most of my time will be spending spazzing over the various movies that are coming out- like Funny Games. Go see it. NOW- but I will be significantly less dead than I have been.

So that is all. See you in a few days

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It's the New Girl [
March 13th, 2008 @ 8:12pm

Yes, I'm new, and lovely as it is I must immediately jump on this hiatus bandwagon. Unfortunately I'll be gone over spring break and won't have access to a computer until next week -- I'm looking forward playing when I get back, though!

Also, I'd love to create some backstory with anyone who's interested, but like I said, I probably won't have the chance before I leave. Anyway, if you'd like my character app is here.
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March 10th, 2008 @ 12:35pm

I apologize for jumping on the hiatus train but I'm afraid I must, midterms, assignments and a ton of other case studies are due this month and I absolutely FAIL at time management. I'll be gone until April-ish, because right after project hell comes the chaos of finals. ><;

I'll be all yours when my summer hols finally starts though, soon ♥

Lux (Artagan & Vivienne)
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March 10th, 2008 @ 11:24am

Hey everyone. So sorry for not being on lately. I've been majorly busy with school and things but I'm back now! I'll try and update as soon as possible.
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