Sentai Fiction's Journal
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Thursday, August 9th, 2007

    Time Event
    Up and running, for lack of a better term
    The comm's rules are now up in the user info. Thanks to everyone who gave me input and suggestions. :) Also, watch this space for the link to the 18+ only toku fic comm coming soon. Note: obviously, such a comm would be for 18+ users only. [info]sentai_fic, however, is an all ages fic comm. We're trying to make everyone as happy as possible, so if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask.
    The King's Chocolate (Kamen Rider Blade)
    I thought I'd celebrate this new asylum with a fic. This is set before, but contains general spoilers for some episodes in the 30s.

    Title: The King's Chocolate
    Fandom: Kamen Rider Blade
    Character(s): King of Spades
    Summary: The King of Spades has some chocolate.
    The King's Chocolate )

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