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Backdated to December 22, 1976 [23 Dec 2008|09:50pm]
Private Owl to Remus Lupin )
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Forwarddated Owls for December 25 [23 Dec 2008|10:16pm] Andromeda Black ) Regulus Black ) Sirius Black ) Bellatrix Lestrange ) Rodolphus Lestrange ) Severus Snape )
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Forwarddated Owls to December 25 [23 Dec 2008|10:25pm]
Owl to Sirius Black )

Owl to Remus Lupin )

Owl to Fabian and Gideon )
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Forwarddated Owls to December 25 [23 Dec 2008|10:32pm]
Owls sent to Sirius, Remus, James, Lilly, and Sybill with their baskets )
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[ viewing | December 23rd, 2008 ]
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