Scribbles of the Insane's Journal
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Scribbles of the Insane's InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
    5:24 pm

    (4 scribbles | scribble something)

    Thursday, July 31st, 2003
    11:40 pm
    Just testing.. >.<; *spam spam* It was being mean and I couldn't post on here before. Will delete later.

    (1 scribble | scribble something)

    Tuesday, June 10th, 2003
    6:23 pm
    Eh heh...this is the third community that I'm joining, and I hope (and I emphasise on the word


    *grins*) that this community is, uh, much livelier. So, come on people, introduce thyself!

    (I'm high, if you didn't notice.)

    Well, my name's...well, you can read my name later, I always sign off anyway. I live in Singapore, I'm turning seventeen this year, and I love to write. Well, read more than write, because lately I'm finding that I have little time to type anything worth reading on the journal (writing on paper works, but not so much on the computer). However, I will try my very best to contribute to this community, and I hope that you guys can critique what I write.

    I'm always looking for critiques. Be as harsh as you want, I haven't been a writer for *counts* seven years without developing a rather thick layer of skin. As I've mentioned, I also hope to see others updating too.

    Edit: Eek. Oops, I didn't read the previous entry. Can I join? Pwwessse? *big googly eyes*


    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: D.N.Angel - Groovy Blue

    (scribble something)

    Monday, January 13th, 2003
    8:32 pm
    Hello, and welcome to Scribbles: the random online writing community journal thing made because someone suggested it in an instant message.

    Now that the welcoming is done and over with, I can get down to business. Scribbles is basically for anyone who likes to write. all you need to to is e-mail me (Wolf) and tell me you want to join or comment on one of the posts. I'll add you and then you'll be shown as part of the community. Basically, others can read and review your writing.

    This journal will be for any updates. Also, maybe we'll beta-read a piece every once in a while when we feel like it. We're really not sure what we're doing yet, so feel free to suggest stuff. We're open.

    As for writing, we like everything from sci-fi to adventure to slash to comedy, and everything in between. If, later we decide to regulate stuff, we'll try not to do it too heavily. For now, almost anything goes. Just have fun!


    (4 scribbles | scribble something)

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