April 5th, 2014

[info]callmeniblet in [info]screams_threads

Who: Dawn and Jack
When: Now
Where: The Beach
What: Arrival
rating/warnings: TBD
status: Ongoing and Closed

Kidnapped... )

[info]takemycard in [info]screams_threads

Who: Erin and Kelly
Where: Woods
What: Erin arrival
When: Now.
Rating: Medium.
Open: Nope.
Status: Spoilers from this week esp.

Read more... )

[info]thebestthief in [info]screams_threads

Who: Parker and Neal
When: Now
Where: The Beach
What: Arrival
rating/warnings: TBD
status: Ongoing and Closed

Nothing to steal )

[info]wolfieoz in [info]screams_threads

Who: Oz and Willow
When: Now
Where: Woods
What: Running
rating/warnings: TBD
status: Ongoing and Closed

Always just running... )

[info]icallitmrpointy in [info]screams_threads

Who: Kendra and Faith
When: Now
Where: The Beach
What: Arrival/First Meeting
rating/warnings: TBD
status: Ongoing and Closed

Packing Mr. Pointy )