March 31st, 2014

[info]mywaydoeswork in [info]screams_threads

Who: Maddie and Oliver
Where: In the house
What: Talking
When: Now.
Rating: Medium - bickering will happen.
Open: Sure.

I belong to you, you belong to me, sweetheart. )

[info]hauntedscreams in [info]screams_threads

Who: Everyone
When: Now
Where: All Over the Island
What: Game Event
rating/warnings: None
status: Narrative

Monthly Supply Drop )

[info]godofsong in [info]screams_threads

Who: Apollo and Aphrodite
When: Now
Where: The Beach
What: Arrival
Rating: High, for godly sexual content.
Status: Closed, and ongoing

Fallen God's )

[info]doitforu in [info]screams_threads

Who: Matt and Elena
When: Now
Where: The Beach
What: Arrival
rating/warnings: TBD
status: Ongoing and Closed

His everything... )