March 29th, 2014

[info]laydownoneslife in [info]screams_threads

Who: Matt Casey and Open
Where: On the beach
What: Showing up on the island.
When: Early Saturday morning.
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes.

Yeah we ain't in Chicago anymore. )

[info]ilivetoargue in [info]screams_threads

Who: Laurel and Dean
Where: On the beach
What: Showing up on the island.
When: Now.
Rating: High - Dean is mouthy.
Open: Yes, but poke before jumping in so we won't skip you.

So this is going to interesting. )

[info]mywaydoeswork in [info]screams_threads

Who: Maddie, Tommy, and Oliver
Where: The Beach
What: Arriving
When: Now.
Rating: High.
Open: Sure.

All I want from you is to see you tomorrow. )