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[27 Mar 2008|12:35am]
who: You-Know-Who, Bellatrix Black (maybe others, idk)
where: An Undisclosed Location
when: March 27, 1978
why: You-Know-Who Gives Bellatrix Orders

The ominous shade of a man was seated in an extremely tall armchair, his hand draped casually over the side as he gazed pensively into the cold and barren fireplace. Nothing but silence echoed throughout the room, wholly unoccupied save for two people--this figure seated at the chair, and a crumpled figure laying before him. A mere flick of the wand between his lengthy fingers brought the once-empty fireplace roaring to life, the flames within dancing and casting shadows across the furniture and walls that filled up the room. A moment passed before the once-handsome figure drew back the sleeve to the unconscious man's robes and pressed his wand to the forearm that now lay bare. Almost immediately, a black mark formed on the man's arm and the figure--nearly as tall as the chair he now occupied--barely shifted as a smirk played across his features.

"Let us see who answers first," he said to seemingly no one, but from the shadows answered a slithering sound, as a large snake (one Nagini to the ill-informed) joined her master at his feet, a mere pool of smooth scales and beady eyes, that carelessly passed over the unmoving figure before the fireplace. Together, they waited for the first of many presumably faithful servants.
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