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[16 Mar 2008|02:38pm]
This note, left for Bellatrix Black, was weighted down with an expensive-looking broach decorated with a black snake and an old coat of arms--obviously stolen, but impressive nonetheless.

Miss Bellatrix, I want need to go out once more, please.

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DAILY PROPHET: 16 MARCH 1978 [16 Mar 2008|05:43pm]
LONDON (DP) - This afternoon, the Dark mark was found in an alley near the Leaky Cauldron, where Jessica Horton's body was found and You-Know-Who's followers, the Death Eaters, are to blame. After killing Jessica Horton, the Death Eaters swiftly fled to London, where they are suspected of instigating a whirlpool that killed approximately 250 people and destroyed fifteen boats on the Thames River. Aurors arrived on the London streets shortly and attempted to catch the suspects but despite these gallant attempts, the Death Eaters vanished into thin air. Not a single suspect was apprehended.

Muggle authorities are also looking into the events, since the attacks happened so closely located to the Muggle Ministry there. Obliviator task forces were on the scene, working tirelessly to investigate any important information before changing memories to minimize damages. Four miles of property were destroyed in this attack, and countless lives lost in the effort. The Auror department asks that any information be sent to their offices in London.
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[16 Mar 2008|07:35pm]
Owl to Rupert Wilkes )
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[16 Mar 2008|10:43pm]
Owl to Maggie Fenwick, 16 March 1978 )
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