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[21 Jan 2008|12:13am]
Owl to Emmeline Vance )
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Patronus to Albus Dumbledore [21 Jan 2008|12:22am]
Patronus to Albus Dumbledore )
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DAILY PROPHET: 21 JANUARY 1978 [21 Jan 2008|06:20pm]
LONDON (DP) - Aurors are doing all that they can to capture those responsible for the death of Natalie Lemons and the other students found after the Hogsmeade attack. Since Lemons' body has been found on Saturday, Aurors have gone after and captured a few Death Eaters and one Auror was killed in the struggle. It is believed that all the Death Eaters captured are minor players in Lord Voldemort's ranks and Aurors will be using the Veritaserum potion and any other necessary means to find additional names and information.

Ministry watchman Jon Quinn has been fired for not having been on duty during the time Lemons' body was found in the Department of Mysteries. Hit Wizards are still unsure what he had been doing during the time Lemons' body was found, but they believe he is unaffiliated with the Death Eaters.
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