Schloss Eberbach

February 2nd, 2006

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Schloss Eberbach


February 2nd, 2006

Eroica Family Album

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By: mullenkamp

Posted: February 2, 2006

Notes: Yep, another first-time poster. My girlfriend brought the first two volumes with her when she came to visit me about a year ago, and left them with me in hopes of addicting me to this series too... and it worked. The underwear bit in volume 2 sold me. ;) Been lurking the fandom and plotting obsessively pretty much ever since.

I've written very small snippets of fic here and there, but am much too self-conscious to barge into a grand old fandom with my newbie writings just yet, so instead I bring something else: My dear also pimped The Sims at me, complete with lots of different character skins. Including Klaus and Dorian. They've been ridiculously entertaining, so I thought I'd share the stupidity with this Eroica family photo album. ;) (Some of my Get Backers sims decided to show up here and there, as well... I think Masaki is spying on them.)

The best shot of the bunch beneath the cut... )
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