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Schism OOC

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[Aug. 26th, 2012|06:15 pm]

Nevermind guys! Hiatus cancelled. Too much plot stuff going on!
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[Aug. 24th, 2012|02:53 pm]

I know I've mentioned this to a few of you but to those that I haven't, I'll be on a short hiatus next week as I have to have my wisdom teeth out Tuesday morning. Between that and the pain meds I'll probably be pretty loopy/out of it. I'm going to have everything caught up before then but if I'm a little slow that's why. If you need Fleur/Hermione/Luna between now and then let me know or if you need them next week there is always the option of preplaying something.

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[Aug. 23rd, 2012|05:14 pm]

Attention DMLE Employees! )
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[Aug. 22nd, 2012|10:19 pm]
Hi everyone! Caly here with my last character, Tabitha "Tabby" Bainbridge (*cough*)

Tabby is the result of monogamy not being expected. Her father is Carlton Warrington and EVERYONE knows it, her mother was her half-brother's tutor, until she hurriedly married an older gentleman who is "officially" Tabby's father.

She's a Slytherin in Astoria's year, and works as a nanny for her half-brother. She's traditionalist, half-blood, and a tinny bit of a party girl -- though she doesn't really drink. She's more out for the energy/music/dancing.

She adores her half-family and doesn't handle them being criticised well. If you piss her off though, don't expect her to get visibly angry or violent. She's more sidewinder than cobra.

And if anyone wanted to pick up her brother, I'd love you forever!
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[Aug. 20th, 2012|05:36 pm]
Hello dudes.

Jim here, bringing in Oliver Wood!

Oliver is keeper for Puddlemere United, he's obsessed with Quidditch and he misses his old school friends! Also, after input from the mods, I've decided to play him as closeted. He hasn't told anyone yet and he's in professional that could be interesting! He's dedicated and determined to become captain but he's still always up for boozing....provided he doesn't have a match the next morning.

Anyhoo, better worded stuff in his journal and you can get me at as well as my OOC plotting page. Love you all. :D
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[Aug. 15th, 2012|01:25 pm]

Hey friends!

Just a heads up that I'll be down the shore until the weekend, and I'm pretty sure we won't have wireless. So for the next few days Penny and Graham will be scarce. Let's say that Penny's doubling-down on work so that she can enjoy her vacation guilt-free, and Graham is likewise upping his practice schedule as the season approaches.

See you later!

- Christa (Penny & Graham)
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[Aug. 13th, 2012|09:13 pm]

Okay, so sorry about the unexpected hiatus. Being sick is no fun and going back and forth from the doctors, the dentist, and the oral surgeon is less fun. At least when the wisdom teeth come out in a few weeks everything will be peachy. I'm super sleepy tonight but I am plenty ready to get back into playing tomorrow. So I am HERE! Yay!

If you want Fleur, Hermione, or Luna let me know.

Thanks for putting up with the random absences. Much loves! <3
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[Aug. 11th, 2012|11:54 am]

Woo I capped out without a house bingo!

This is Cormac McLaggen. You know him, he pretty much tried to be the boss of the Gryffindor Quidditch team in Harry and company's sixth year. He also went out with Hermione that one time. He's done some growing up since leaving Hogwarts, he's more humble these days because he realized when he started playing Quidditch professionally, that he was a very tiny fish amongst sharks. Either way, he's still selfish and self centered, though nice to his fellow ex-Gryffindors. Now he's playing beater for the Wimbourne Wasps, and he says, "Thanks for the tip, Weasley!" He's totally serious about it too, because until Ron said so, he'd never considered it. He's a halfblood, though his family is well connected in the Ministry because his muggleborn mother completely converted (publicly, at least) to the wizarding world's culture. As for Cormac, well, he loves the muggle world, has a mobile phone, and actually likes boys. He does, however, love beards because they keep his image in the tabloids.

So plots?
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[Aug. 11th, 2012|08:39 am]
Okay, just so you guys who need too are aware, V had a mangled vision in her interrogation, and was taken to the Ministry infirmary. Shortly after, she informed the family who were really behind the Dark Mark, prior to the News breaking this morning.

Cranky recovery time over, she's back to her normal self.
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[Aug. 10th, 2012|11:40 pm]

Hey all!

I have to take an unexpected hiatus until at least Monday. I know I owe some of you tags and if I am feeling up to it, I'll get to them in the next day or two. If not then ASAP. Thanks for understanding.

Tonya aka Fleur, Luna and Hermione
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[Aug. 6th, 2012|11:21 am]
Hey guys.

The place where I work was broken into over the weekend. They rifled through my office and a few other offices and stole our safe, as well as the primary financial database computer. Which means that I will have to rebuild the database from scratch. 8 months worth of financial information. So, work is going to be really time consuming for the next week or so. I'll be around, but won't be able to do much until afternoon every day.



(Hannah Abbott and Padma Patil)
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[Aug. 3rd, 2012|01:24 pm]

Just a heads up, for a couple reasons and a lot of consideration, I've changed my email address. You can get me now at or as always on AIM if you want to chat or plots.

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Intro! [Aug. 3rd, 2012|09:31 am]

Hello Schism-ites! It's Sarah, and I'm excited to bring you my 3rd and my first boy! This here is Lennox Campbell (oft-called Nox), current Seeker for the Montrose Magpies!

Some fun facts about Lennox:
+He's from Clan Campbell, an old Scottish Clan from Argyll. The Clan has been around since the 13th century, though his family is the head of the magic arm of it, which is much younger. They've been in a blood feud with the MacDougals for centuries. Lennox, however, thinks the whole thing is a little supid.
+He's the youngest of 4, and was a bit of a surprise for his parents, who were NOT planning on a second son. His sibling were the ones that took the reigns on raising him, but he's definitely always been a bit independent.
+He was Beater on the Ravenclaw team, though he wanted to be Seeker. He's the same year as Cho (year above trio), and she ultimately got the position. He ended up turning that into being friends with her.
+Lennox tends to have more acquaintances than friends. He doesn't let a lot of people in to his real emotions/thoughts, but he's very friendly and fun to be around. He also is extremely easy going though-he deals with disappointment in his own head, and he's really really slow to anger. It's almost impossible to shake him.
+He's not in an arranged marriage now, and is pretty stoked on that, but he's sure it's around the corner and he's trying to dodge it as long as possible.

Uh...I feel like I'm missing a lot, but I'm excited to have him here! His intro is here for all the rest, including some lines I'm interested in! I'd love any idea for plots! Friends, enemies...anything! <3 you all!
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[Jul. 31st, 2012|03:29 pm]

Just a heads up, starting tonight I am going to be a little slow with tags and by Thursday probably be on a hiatus for the weekend. I have a birthday this week and between multiple nights of family dinners, a small party Friday, I don't think I'll have time to tag like I usually do. I'll still work on getting what I owe people and anything new can happen after Sunday. Thanks!

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Sorry for the dissappearance! [Jul. 28th, 2012|11:26 am]
Ok everyone! I'm back in the swing of things!

My grandmother is staying with us this week, and she can't do much on her own, so I was appointed her nurse even though I had nothing to do with deciding she was going to stay with us. She'll be leaving on Sunday, so I'll be back and ready to go at full speed!

So sorry for disappearing!

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[Jul. 27th, 2012|03:24 pm]

Hi everyone! I'm Jori and I know a couple of you from previous games... but for the most part you are all new, so hiii!

I am bring you Roger Davies! He is everything I am sure we imagined him to be from the brief descriptions in the book: the shameless flirt and a serial dater, flippant, perhaps a bit of embedded narcissistic streak, but overall a nice guy. He is gaining quite a lot of attention with his Quidditch career, though lately it seems his personal life (including the recent and very messy break up with his long-time uber-controlling and manipulative girlfriend) is more commented on. While is is very social he likes to maintain a sense of privacy when it comes to the more intimate details of his life. He doesn't really give a flying snitch about politics or the 'supposed to' of Pureblood society, despite being a pureblood and a direct family member of the Macmillan family.

He is BFFs with Jordan Dorny and jokes that Jordan is his non-sexual life partner. He is also a cousin of Ernie and Neville, though he's not too terribly close to them. Cho, well, she is the love of his life but it is complicated (like all good love stories should be).

I love threading, IM scenes... well, just RPing in general. I look forward to playing with all of you.
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[Jul. 26th, 2012|06:17 pm]

Hello everyone for a second time. ^_^ Spoon here again with my second kid, Cho Chang. She's not an emotional rollercoaster anymore, although she certainly has her bouts of extreme emotions. She's an employee in the Ministry, working in the International Affairs department. She's an assistant to Thomas, a Ministry delegate. She's been gone for the last four years, working within different wizarding communities around the world to create pacts and treaties since the fall of Voldemort. She recently got her own flat in Manchester and is looking to catch up with friends! Which I am open to finding for her! If you would like some more information on her, her complete biography can be found here! She likes to have a good time with friends and preferably a drink, so I hope we can work something out! Friends or otherwise are welcome! =D

I realize I forgot to leave my AIM name for Riona, but it's madasthemoon and always welcome IM for plotting!
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[Jul. 21st, 2012|04:42 pm]
So, I'm going to be mostly gone tonight and the beginning of the day tomorrow. I'm staying over at my brother's apartment with a ton of friends and we are making a one and a half hour drive in the morning to go see the Dark Knight Rises in I-max. SO EXCITED.

I don't know if I'll have any internet connection tonight. So if I'm not around until tomorrow afternoon, that is why. xD
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Quick Note [Jul. 21st, 2012|11:25 am]

Hey all! I just wanted to pass on a quick note and assurances from LC saying that she hasn't forgotten about you all. That she's sick at the moment and will be back as soon as possible and thanks for understanding.

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[Jul. 18th, 2012|09:01 pm]

Hey all! Okay, so the accident has taken place, and Drishti, Reina, and Ernie have all been severely hurt. I've set up different places/times in case anyone wants to post something at the hospital, or family. Or even OOC stuff at the bottom. What have you. Hope that helps!
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