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Schism OOC

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[Nov. 1st, 2012|04:46 pm]

I HAVE INTERNETS! Thank you so much for your patience these last two weeks.


I also found about 600 comment notifs in my spam folder (Oliver's reply to his and Percy's thread was there, I'm so sorry, Jim, let me know if you'd like to finish that thread ) from all of October and some of September, so please let me know if I didn't reply to something you needed a reply to. I'm seriously not about to weed through all of those. I'm also glad everyone is safe after the storm. <3

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[Oct. 26th, 2012|04:54 pm]

THIS IS NOT AN "IM LEAVING" POST so no heart attacks please!

This is just to appologize for the disappearing act I did. I was traveling and then working with no break and then was a bit under the weather. It's never ending I swear. Being an adult sucks. BUT! Despite all the folks leaving, my 4 are still here and would love something to do! I'm open to ideas, i need something to do!

I love you all!!

<3 FJ
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[Oct. 26th, 2012|04:12 pm]

Through a tough to make decision, I am going to be leaving not just Schism, but HP RP period. HP was my first love in fandom, and I will always love it. However, after all these years it is just not the same for me anymore. The never-ending seeming well of inspiration for HP seems to have dried up, and its becoming too hard to find that same drive to play my characters as there was before. Just the journal entry I made for Kenzie this morning was far more difficult to write up than it should have been. So I'm going to bow out, and allow someone else, in the future, to take them on who has more of that drive for HP than I currently do.

I enjoyed my time here, a lot of fun was had, but now I'm going to say my sad farewells to HP RP. Maybe, one day, I will return.

<3 ya all,

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[Oct. 24th, 2012|08:18 pm]
hey guys, I'm so sorry about the quidditch report being lateeee
It will be there by thursday I hope, things have been crazy busy and I am going to have to put myself on a bit of a hiatus, if that's okay, I will post when possible but it'll be slow. I really wish I didn't have to but life does have a habit of getting in the way and someone was just sacked from work so we're all covering shifts like maniacs.

sorry again guys, love you and can't wait to play again. <3
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Missing information? [Oct. 22nd, 2012|03:49 pm]
Is there a comm I'm missing being friended to? *laugh* I can't find any previous mention of a ball but I could just be lacking coffee as I was up far too late last night. :)
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Busy busy bee! [Oct. 13th, 2012|08:52 pm]

So sorry I've been completely MIA the past weekish. I had a small family reunion and then had to drive five/six hours to pick up a family of four sugar gliders I just adopted. Now that everyone has left, and the gliders and I have settled down, I should be around much more often! Which Tracey is completely excited about.

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[Oct. 13th, 2012|08:15 pm]
So sorry I've been awol again, guys. Back to back shifts this week, something I'm sure some of you guys can relate to, my feet hurt! But I have mostly a day off tomorrow and Monday so I'll get my bum back into gear asap. Being a grown up is sucky.
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[Oct. 11th, 2012|05:04 pm]

Hello everyone. My name is Jessica (or Jess or Jessica 2 to keep it clear) and I bring you Cassandra Burke Avery. She is Sebastian's wife and Bryce's mother. She can be a bit guarded around new people but warm and friendly around friends. She was a Hufflepuff in school but she had a tendency to talk to people regardless of house. Unfortunately I am a bit rubbish at these things. You can find out all about Cass here.

I am looking for all sorts of plots, friends, enemies and relationships. Well relationships that would be appropriate for a married lady to have, of course. You can reach me at gothambookchick on AIM or leave a comment. I am looking forward to playing with you all!
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Velia part the second [Oct. 8th, 2012|07:58 pm]

Greetings folks! Tis I Jess and am bringing back Velia.

She is pretty much unchanged from before and I am more than happy to keep relationships she had before should you want that but am also open to change. I have changed her but more to my own character than completely changing her so she is pretty much the same.

She is still married to Graham and is the newly appointed Diviniation professor at Hogwarts. She is a proud Slytherin and pureblood and is a member of the Family, using her skills as a Seer for them as well.

One thing that has changed is her PB. Love Zooey but the character in my head wasn't her so she is now the amazing Ellen Page.

Anywho, plot is awesome and things and stuff of that nature. Hit me up here or on AIM or via email for the awesomeness :)

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The New Lavender [Oct. 8th, 2012|07:08 pm]
Thank you lovely modly folks for your warm welcome. I've read back through Lavender's threads to get an idea of where she is and I invite everyone to toss plotty ideas my way.

Lavender hasn't changed a great deal - I wanted to keep her as "game canon" as you all know her to be. She might have a tiny bit more of a craving for red meat around the full moon but nothing going on in the 'furry' department for her.

*waves* I'm looking forward to playing with all of you.
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[Oct. 8th, 2012|09:09 pm]

Look I'm back! And wisdom tooth-less finally! Yay! I know I need to catch up and I'll be doing that mostly tomorrow I admit. Still feeling kinda feverish but laying around all day is getting old. I missed playing.

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[Oct. 7th, 2012|11:15 pm]
sorry guys, stuff happening at home, ang will have the quidditch report out by tomorrow morning sorry again. :c xx
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Hiatus [Oct. 5th, 2012|12:16 pm]

I will also be joining the hiatus list. It'll probably be more of a slowatus. Fractured my ankle last night. So. . I'll probably be slow to respond for a few days.
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[Oct. 3rd, 2012|11:18 pm]

Hey guys, I'm tagging along with Tonya's post. I'm also going to be a bit gone this weekend, though I'm going to predict a slowatus rather than gone completely. I'm going out to the middle of no where Maine for my grandma's 80th bday, and we're getting up at 5am to catch a plane. Joy. But we do have internet up there, so I should at least be around a little in the evenings!! I'll do my best to keep up, but just in case, now you know that I haven't fallen off the side of the earth or anything :)

<3 FJ
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Small Hiatus [Oct. 3rd, 2012|09:15 pm]

Just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that I am going to be MIA this weekend. I have to have wisdom teeth surgery on Friday. No you're not losing your minds, I did have my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago too. I'm going to catch up tonight and tomorrow and you can still get my via email. I'm going to try to be good about checking it.

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[Sep. 29th, 2012|09:48 pm]
QUIDDITCH INTERVIEWS!!! Hey guys and dolls!

Ang is doing some interviews and as much as I'd love to thread them all I feel it might be quite time consuming, haha, so I'm going to write down some questions and you can have your kids answer all or some of them and email/PM/comment them then I will find some time in my life to do a lovely big interview post hopefully with gifs! Any clothing/emotion/basic visage you want to mention your characters having would also be brill! Thanks dudes!

My email is

hit me up, peeps! <3

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[Sep. 28th, 2012|07:53 pm]
Hey guys!

So sorry I've been AWOL, my internet betrayed me again! Argh! But I'm back now and on Holiday! SO! Any plots for Ron, Ang or Ollie? Love you allll. <3
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[Sep. 26th, 2012|11:32 am]
Hey all!

I'll be the first to attempt a branch out! It's been a super crazy month-ish for me(car wreck, weekends booked with car shopping and trips out of town.. and nights full of mom chewing me out over one thing or another...), and I admit I haven't been playing... or even paying attention to the game as much as I should have been. But I'm hoping to change that! I even let my character go that didn't have a whole lot going on, and I didn't see a way of getting to interact with everyone.... so now it's ALL LAVENDER ALL THE TIME!

To all you new players/new characters since I pretty much dropped off the face of the planet, I'm so sorry. I had planned to go back and answer all the new character posts I'd missed, but then they just piled up to the point I couldn't make myself do it. If you never got an initial plot comment from me about Lavender, please let me know! I'm not even sure who all I still haven't spoken to!

Anywhosles.... enough with the apologies and sad sack time, WHO WANTS NEW PLOTS WITH LAV!?

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[Sep. 23rd, 2012|11:41 pm]

Okay, so I haven't been around like I should and I will admit it. I don't want to just make my activity checks any more which is why I've dropped Luna, who I've honestly been struggling with. My other two aren't far behind her but I love them and want to keep them which is why I need your help with finding plots for them.

It's crazy but plots maybe? )
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Mini - Hiatus! [Sep. 20th, 2012|11:24 pm]
I'm in my cousin's wedding this weekend, so for the next few days I'll be pretty MIA.

Just wanted to let everyone know.

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