Scenes to fics - August 9th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Scenes to fics

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August 9th, 2007

Prompts list [Aug. 9th, 2007|08:19 am]


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Write a scene/ chapter/ fic based on any of the following.
Prompts )

Have a suggestion?
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Guilt [Aug. 9th, 2007|08:59 pm]

Title: Guilt
Author: Sasuko
Rating: G
Pairing: Miura Ranmaru and Fujiwara Takumi
Warning: Cliche?
Disclaimer: Miura Ranmaru and Fujiwara Takumi are the results of Yagami Hiroki's Dear Boys.
Universe: Dear Boys
Prompt: Originally started off as an attempt to answer prompt 10 (candles) in table onein [info]50episodes, but soon evolved into a mere character interaction scene, so I'm putting it here, under character interaction. Hopefully I'll get something more solid soon.

Read the scene )

PS. Just realised that I made the comm restricted posting by mistake. ^^; So I've since changed it. Everyone should be able to post now. Sorry about that!
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