Daily Scans
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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:23 am [kingrockwell]
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Jim Gordon! Robin! Superman! All working together in one story! So, last month I requested stories where Jim Gordon interacted with others beyond Batman and Robin, and this month mullon expanded it to heroes outside of the Batfamily. Additionally, lyraeinne requested scans of Dick and Clark interacting. Well, as Tim, in the first story I ever read with him, strove to do, I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone by posting Worlds Finest Comics #269.
char: jim gordon, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: superman/clark kent, creator: gerry conway, creator: rich buckler, creator: frank mclaughlin, creator: kelley puckett, creator: john bogdanove, creator: eduardo barreto, event: no man's land, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics, title: batman (why don't we have any kind of tag related to Bromance? we should have that tag so much)
Tags: char: jim gordon, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: superman/clark kent, creator: eduardo barreto, creator: frank mclaughlin, creator: gerry conway, creator: jon bogdanove, creator: kelley puckett, creator: rich buckler, event: no man's land, publisher: dc comics, title: batman, title: world's finest comics
09:46 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353884/376622) [Link] |
World's Finest Comics #295

When Batman is dying of a virus, how will Superman react?
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: david anthony kraft, creator: frank mclaughlin, creator: jerome moore, creator: l.b. kellogg, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics
04:16 am [superfan1]
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The earth is destory you say? ( Well I can fix that! )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, era: bronze age, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics
05:51 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353873/376622) [Link] |
Batman and Superman spend the night together.

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: adrian gonzales, creator: doug moench, creator: gil kane, in-joke: never gets old, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics
08:29 pm [perletwo]
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World's Finest 297 - "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" Roughly a page's worth from World's Finest #297, August 1983, not my scans. For reasons not entirely clear to me, having to do with events in JLA and Batman and the Outsiders apparently, Batsy is in a temper. How dare Supes save his life! How dare he beat him to doing-good-deeds punch! And pretty soon, the boys are on the outs.

Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: jerome moore, creator: l.b. kellogg, creator: mike decarlo, theme: manly tears, title: world's finest comics
11:54 pm [mysteryfan]
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Superman says, "Bananas!"

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: bob haney, creator: dick dillin, title: world's finest comics
08:49 pm [perletwo]
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Request: Batman, Child Whisperer pt. 1 of 2 Runespoor7 requested any examples of interaction between Batman and children. I have two examples, this one from a 1980 World's Finest story, and in the next post a more recent interaction circa 2004. Here we have 4 pages and 2 panels of a 17-page story (my calculator says 1/3 of 17 pages is 5.666666etc. pages), "The Power of the Pi-Meson Man!"
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: dick giordano, creator: joe staton, title: world's finest comics
02:57 pm [mysteryfan]
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Batman Says Hi!

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: superman/clark kent, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics
04:22 am [peur_evol]
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TWELVE PAGES FROM A SEVENTY-TWO PAGE COMIC only one-sixth of the issue
Tags: char: lois lane, char: superman/clark kent, creator: al plastino, creator: don cameron, era: golden age, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics
11:52 am [mysteryfan]
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Sometimes I just like seeing superheroes have coffee together.

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: cary burkett, creator: marv wolfman, era: bronze age, title: world's finest comics
02:42 am [galateus]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7358462/376674) [Link] |
World's Finest #153, Imaginary Story: Bats vs. Supes
So I was drafting up my second post when the comm got suspended. Fortunately it was already under the new "one-third of the comic" limit. [Mods: How's the balance between the commentary/the scans? I'm still vague on where the balance is supposed to fall.]

"The SAGA of Superman vs. Batman!"
Published November, 1963, complete with those awesome old-timey ads and one-pagers.
( page2 )
( page3 )
( page4 )
( page5 )
( page9 )
( page16 )
( page17 )
( page18 )
( Cape and Cowl Comments )
The issue finishes off with more ads, more shorts, and "The Boy Who Changed The Future!", wherein one of those omniscient 1960's computers that talks to you in punchcard binary predicts the imminent destruction of life on earth (6am, June 1, 1952--mark your calendars). But since the kid used the computer without permission, he has to keep THE END OF THE WORLD a secret lest he get into trouble, so he sets to save it himself. It takes about two pages, naturally.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: lex luthor, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: superman/clark kent, char: thomas wayne, era: silver age, in-joke: herodickery, publisher: dc comics, title: world's finest comics