Daily Scans
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
02:16 pm [arbre_rieur]
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More Metal Men Select paged from the first three installments of Giffen, DeMatteis, and Maguire's Metal Men feature...

Tags: creator: keith giffen, creator: kevin maguire, group: metal men, publisher: dc comics
11:16 pm [arbre_rieur]
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The Metal Men second feature People have posted from issues of the new Doom Patrol series, and it's good stuff, but so far we've all been neglecting the Metal Man second feature. That's unfortunate because it's also good stuff.

It's Giffen/DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire doing superhero humor. C'mon, there are two or three fans of that sort of thing in these parts, right?
Tags: creator: keith giffen, creator: kevin maguire, group: doom patrol, group: metal men, publisher: dc comics, title: doom patrol
08:36 am [zegas]
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Walt Simonson Master Post

Walt Simonson has just about drawn every major character for every major publisher throughout the last thirty-odd years. Best known for his work on Thor, Starslammers, Fantastic Four, Battlestar Galactica and Orion, Simonson’s style has always been lauded as having the energy to rival Jack Kirby’s. But just as his legendary predecessor’s work was seen, all of the subtlety in Simonson’s work is often overlooked. Even in the most frantic piece, Simonson manages give it a quiet sense of characterization.
Hell, he just draws purty, OK?
Since I can easily make thirty different posts based on his covers alone, I’ve posted some of my personal favorite comics and covers by Simonson.
[Archived and cross posted at: http://master-post.livejournal.com/ ]
( It’s really just a dinosaur, the signature is… )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: conan the barbarian, char: hulk/bruce banner, char: loki, char: mephisto, char: she-hulk/jennifer walters, char: superman/clark kent, char: swamp thing/alec holland, char: thor, creator: walt simonson, group: fantastic four, group: metal men, in-joke: tl;dr
11:44 pm [pyrotwilight]
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Supplementary Tomorrow Woman post Aside from what I've shown of Tomorrow Woman in my previous (not so mega) mega post
She's made two more cameo appearances that I hadn't included in my original post, one most people might have seen since it was in 52 but another that was in a much less known little story
Just a little going away post for SD since I'm going on vacation to visit my family in Greece for a month tomorrow afternoon.. Nothing like Tomorrow.
Tags: char: amazing man/ will everett iii, char: blue beetle/ted kord, char: booster gold/michael jon carter, char: crimson fox/constance d'aramis, char: crimson fox/vivian d'aramis, char: flash/barry allen, char: general glory/ joseph jones, char: hourman/matthew tyler, char: ice/tora olafsdotter, char: jonathan kent, char: martha kent, char: martian manhunter/j'onn j'onzz, char: maxima, char: maxwell lord, char: red tornado/ulthoon/john smith, char: rocket red 4/ dimitri pushkin, char: silver sorceress/laura neilsen, char: sue dibny, char: tomorrow woman/clara kendall, char: vibe/paco ramone, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, char: yazz, creator: andy lanning, creator: butch guice, creator: geoff johns, creator: grant morrison, creator: greg rucka, creator: joe kelly, creator: keith giffen, creator: kevin conrad, creator: mark propst, creator: mark waid, creator: phil jimenez, creator: richard bonk, group: metal men, title: 52, title: superman y2k
05:07 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Wednesday Comics #1 Warning: As those of you who've picked up an issue of Wednesday Comics know, these pages are HUGE. Those with slower connections should keep that in mind.
Tags: char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: will magnus, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: amanda conner, creator: ben caldwell, creator: dan didio, creator: jimmy palmiotti, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, group: metal men, title: wednesday comics
04:00 pm [thanekos]
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The Metal Men... they're not dentists. They are, however, high-tech robotic lifeforms powered by scientific fact who fight many a scientific dragon.
And that's just cool.
( It all begins at... )
so yeah, check Duncan Rouleau's Metal Men out. it's cool.
Current Music: Hatsune Miku- Francium Tags: char: copper, char: gold, char: iron, char: lead, char: mercury, char: platina, char: t.o. morrow/thomas oscar morrow, char: tin, char: will magnus, creator: duncan rouleau, group: metal men, publisher: dc comics
03:23 pm [jackissuperfly]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/2763192/103323) [Link] | Let's discuss DC Nation, starring Dan "Unpleasant Fellow" Didio, shall we?
Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: captain atom/nathaniel adam, char: manhunter/kate spencer, char: question/renee montoya, char: ravager/rose wilson, group: metal men, publisher: dc comics