Daily Scans Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
November 10th, 2009
10:45 pm


Omg you guys are still alive :DDD
I know that there was going to be a site mirror etc., but I didn't know if we could actually function more or less like how we did before with the scans, so I kinda gave up the community for dead :<

Nice to see that isn't the case :D

So, hi gaaaiz 8D!!!

Droom and Ironman BFF )

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October 27th, 2009
12:39 am


A group of specalists, assembled to combat general crime? It'll never work!
once upon a time, Batman realized stemming the tide of crime wasn't a one man fight.

It's never been, really, even for a Batgod- so for a man who's been at the job for 1 1/2 years, it's almost impossible to be effective one hundred percent time.

Criminals like the afro-sporting something-planning Peter Scotta can get lucky, and Batman can't defend himself against that luck. He needs to mitigate that factor with help...

But no one's helping him, because he can't mitigate people's feelings either...  )

Current Music: Trip Like I Do - Crystal Method
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