Daily Scans
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
10:45 pm [byakko]
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Omg you guys are still alive :DDD I know that there was going to be a site mirror etc., but I didn't know if we could actually function more or less like how we did before with the scans, so I kinda gave up the community for dead :<
Nice to see that isn't the case :D
So, hi gaaaiz 8D!!!
( Droom and Ironman BFF )
Tags: char: iron man/tony stark, creator: seth fisher, publisher: marvel comics
12:39 am [thanekos]
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A group of specalists, assembled to combat general crime? It'll never work! once upon a time, Batman realized stemming the tide of crime wasn't a one man fight.
It's never been, really, even for a Batgod- so for a man who's been at the job for 1 1/2 years, it's almost impossible to be effective one hundred percent time.
Criminals like the afro-sporting something-planning Peter Scotta can get lucky, and Batman can't defend himself against that luck. He needs to mitigate that factor with help...
( But no one's helping him, because he can't mitigate people's feelings either... )
Current Music: Trip Like I Do - Crystal Method Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: mr. freeze/victor fries, creator: j.h williams iii, creator: seth fisher, title: legends of the dark knight