Daily Scans Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
May 13th, 2009
03:48 pm
[User Picture]


The Creepy Conclusion

With the '1/3 fair use' rules being extended to short stories as well, I've decided to end my Warren posts. In my opinion, it would not work for the majority of the remaining stories--if you have a six page story, for example, only showing two pages would be hard, mainly because I would be recapping most of the story myself and the effect would be lost.

That being said, there are still some stories that I was really looking forward to sharing for quite some time that I was saving for the end, so I decided I would post excerpts from them anyway. Most of them are from Creepy, but there's an Eerie and Vampirella hiding around as well.

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