Daily Scans
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
06:53 pm [sinisterlink]
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Awesome Comics Are Awesome
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: angel/archangel/warren worthington, char: ares/marvel, char: black bishop/harry leland, char: bullseye/hawkeye, char: captain america/bucky barnes, char: constrictor, char: diamondback/rachel leighton, char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: hercules/marvel, char: jewel/jessica jones, char: krypto the superdog, char: mockingbird/bobbi morse, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: night nurse, char: nightshade/tilda johnson, char: pyro/st. john allerdyce, char: quicksilver/pietro maximoff, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: scorpion/venom/mac gargan, char: spider-woman/jessica drew, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: superboy/kon-el/conner kent, char: thunderbird/john proudstar, char: usagent/john walker, char: warpath/james proudstar, char: white queen/emma frost, char: wolverine/akihiro/daken, creator: brian michael bendis, creator: chris yost, creator: christos gage, creator: clayton crain, creator: craig kyle, creator: dan slott, creator: david williams, creator: francis manapul, creator: geoff johns, creator: jorge molina, creator: mike choi, creator: scott gray, creator: sean chen, creator: sonia oback, creator: stuart immonen, event: necrosha, group: avengers, group: new avengers, group: the hellions, group: x-force, group: x-men, in-joke: tl;dr, title: adventure comics, title: avengers the initiative, title: mighty avengers, title: new avengers, title: uncanny x-men first class, title: x-force
03:30 pm [starwolf_oakley]
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DAREDEVIL #43: Luke Cage is kind of a jerk. I've been hot and cold about Brian Michael Bendis' work. But I've decided to take a look at his DAREDEVIL run with Alex Maleev. Matt Murdock has found out two things: the Owl is trying to take over the Kingpin's territory with Mutant Growth Hormone *and* the NYPD are trying to get him on tape as Daredevil. So if Daredevil can't do it...

According to Wikipedia, this takes place after Jessica and Luke had their one night stand but before Jessica realized she was pregnant in ALIAS.
( I'm starting to doubt the man-crush theory. )
Tags: char: daredevil/matt murdock, char: foggy nelson, char: jewel/jessica jones, char: power man/luke cage, creator: alex maleev, creator: brian michael bendis, title: daredevil
08:33 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353886/376622) [Link] |
Amazing Spider-Man #601
Tags: char: jewel/jessica jones, char: mary jane watson, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: brian michael bendis, creator: joe quesada, creator: mario alberti, creator: mark waid, publisher: marvel comics, title: amazing spider-man
08:58 pm [proteus_lives]
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New Avengers #51 Bendis picks up a dangling plot-line Greetings True Believers! My first post here! I wanted to post these pages from NA #51 because it picks up on a minor Alias plot-point that Bendis tossed into the ocean and forgot about. Jessica Jones and her high-school crush on Peter Parker. Spoilers and enjoy!
( Read more... )
Current Location: Outer Dark Tags: char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: jewel/jessica jones, char: mockingbird/bobbi morse, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: power man/luke cage, char: spider-man/peter parker
06:41 pm [joysweeper]
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Marvel Holiday Special 2005 - Yes, Virginia, There is a SANTRON Guys, I really hate the awkward InsaneJournal posting format, and although I can finally insert images I can't control the size, so I'm putting this issue up at my journal. This is a repost basically straight from the archive.
It's a complete story, but there are three stories in the Holiday special, over a hundred pages. They're all pure fluff, and this one is the best.
Tags: char: ant-man/wasp/hank pym, char: black panther/t'challa, char: captain america/steve rogers, char: dr. strange/stephen strange, char: edwin jarvis, char: gravity/greg willis, char: iron fist/daniel rand, char: iron man/tony stark, char: jewel/jessica jones, char: mary jane watson, char: may parker, char: power man/luke cage, char: she-hulk/jennifer walters, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: spider-woman/jessica drew, char: ultron, char: wasp/janet van dyne, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, char: wonder man/simon williams, char: wong, creator: jeff parker, creator: reilly brown, publisher: marvel comics