box_in_the_box (box_in_the_box) wrote in scans_daily, @ 2009-09-16 12:46:00 |
Entry tags: | char: michelle gonzales, char: spider-man/peter parker, creator: fred van lente, publisher: marvel comics, title: amazing spider-man |
NuSpidey spoilers: The moment of truth has arrived ...
... And, OH, how I am going to SAVOR this moment. :)
So, here we are, Wednesday at last, and Amazing Spider-Man #605 is finally on the stands.
Amazing Spider-Man writer Fred Van Lente told us that Amazing Spider-Man #605 "makes it clear that Michelle and Chameleon did nothing more than make out in the kitchen scene" in Amazing Spider-Man #603, in which "[t]here was no sex" between the two characters.
Spider-Man editor Steve Wacker told us that, in Amazing Spider-Man #605, "we'll come to find out the truth" about whether the Chameleon and Michelle had sex in Amazing Spider-Man #603, and he added that "Michelle isn't as 'easy' as some readers seem to think."
With all that being said, what ACTUALLY APPEARED on the printed pages of Amazing Spider-Man #605 this week?