volksjager (volksjager) wrote in scans_daily, @ 2009-09-11 18:33:00 |
Current music: | Golgotha "may all you rabbits skin easily" |
Entry tags: | char: asbestos lady, char: human torch/jim hammond, char: toro/thomas raymond, creator: roy thomas, publisher: marvel comics, title: the invaders |
Asbestos Lady ?!?
I bet she came to regret this gimmick when she was older...
This really needs on of those "what ever happened to ..." stories where Jim Hammond/Human torch 1 goes to visit AL in modern times . She is 70 and hacking up her lungs from mesothelioma. She confesses a secret crush and that she only was a villain to get close to the Torch. She asks that they have sex before she dies (would an Android go for something like that ???).