volksjager (volksjager) wrote in scans_daily, @ 2009-03-16 22:35:00 |
Entry tags: | char: iron munro/arn munro, creator: roy thomas, group: axis america, group: young all-stars |
The Young All-Stars "what DID happen to the JSA ?
So the Crisis trashed the All-Star Sqraudron. Roy Thomas go annally raped with no lube. BUT. He staged a great comeback wit the Young All-Stars. The idea was that, Sperman,Wonde rwoman, Batman, were gone however , their energy was still around and reformed into other characters to replace them.
Superman out,Iron Munro in!
I hate it when 5th columists break up my picnics...
So as you can the "energy" did alwasy stay on the side of the angles with UberMacth. Owlman and the Bat, and the Golden Archer ( from Italy, bringing up the rear)
Iron Munro had only the original superman powers. Speed,strength,leap tall building in a single bound. None o' that other crap...
Great, great artwork by Michael Blair.