Ultimate Comics Avengers - October Solicit
Courtesy of CBR. Spoilers for character return. I hope.
ULTIMATE COMICS AVENGERS #3 Written by MARK MILLAR Pencils & Cover by CARLOS PACHECO THE SEARCH FOR STEVE ROGERS CONTINUES! From the mad minds of MARK MILLAR (ULTIMATES 1 & 2) and CARLOS PACHECO (X-MEN), Nick Fury assembles a new team of deadly operatives to track down the renegade Captain America! But what will the Avenger’s resident marksman HAWKEYE have to say about Fury’s tactics and will these new faces make the cut when the %^&( hits the fan? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99
Is that Jan I see, in an upgraded form of her 616 first-ever costume (really, guys, if you were gonna update the costume, would it have killed you to get rid of the pointy bit on the head)? It better be, or Imma be pissed. At least now we'll be finding out (maybe) what the hell his "Jocasta Project" mentioned is all about. Any bets? I'm betting on cyborgization, myself.