Robin and Batgirl = OTP. Dick and Babs = Not so much
I'd hoped to make this a longer post, but alas, I just can't tell the story decently with the 1/3 page limit, so instead I'm focussing on some Batgirl and Robin fun
To cut to the chase; Barbara Gordon is tailing a suspect in a bombing that she foiled as Barbara Gordon. The Mayor is putting pressure on the Commissioner to make an arrest (and to heck with the danger this might mean to Barbara as sole witness), but Gordon wants to hold back until they can get the guy who employed him. Barbara recognises the guy in a mugshot book, but keeps quiet about it so she can sneak off and find him herself.
This next page is the reason I was going to post it at all, aside from the gorgeous Parobeck art... Barbara has tracked the suspect and is staking it out...
Dick's casual "Yeah" there to Bab's really rather snarky question kills me every time! :) He's so completely offhand in a "What else did you think I might have done?" way, that it doesn't even come across as smug or superior. Her reaction is also priceless.
And bear in mind that this incarnation of Babs has been Batgirl for a very short period of time, and probably only has a half dozen missions under her belt, also neither of them knows the other's secret ID.
Dick has rarely looked more adorably alpha male than he does in this pages second panel. (And at the same time, he's asking her for HER advice about a course of action, not leaping in to control it the way his Batdad would... or maybe he just has a conditioned response to defer to someone wearing a pointy eared cowl and a scalloped cape!)
Suffice it to say, that she manages to make it down eight storeys AND throw the tracker on the car just as it pulls away... Again, I like Robin's nonchalance, as he's managed to make it down eight storeys AND deal with three muggers....
So they track the guy down to his bomb making base....
One assumes he includes his time in the circus there... (Oh, and that this might be a commentary on the size of the utility belt Robin's wore back the old pre-Tim Drake revampe days)
And because it's MY post, a couple of gratuitous Robin panels...
The villain is defeated, consipracy uncovered.. yadda, yadda, yadda.... (Actually, it's a lot more fun than yadda, yadda yadda)
Awwww.... isn't that just adorable?
Next day Babs arrives back at Gotham University after her summer vacation (The issue is almost worth it alone for Commissioner Gordon (Who drove her) worrying over whether she has enough towels. Jim Gordon as fussing parent isn't seen often enough) and is slightly lost on campus when....
Oh yeah, unresolved sexual snarking of civilian ID's? Clearly OTP waiting to happen (Except of course, it didn't :( )! Dick should maybe ask Uncle Clark for some advice on that score.