Daily Scans - November 11th, 2009
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12:32 am [espanolbot]
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Red Robin 6 and Batgirl 4 Previews ( A Page of the preview behind the cut ) ( Batgirl preview and interview )
Tags: title: batgirl, title: red robin
02:43 am [jcbaggee]
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For those who care/can, an open invitation... I've made a comic book wave on Google Wave. I don't have any invites to Wave itself to hand out just yet, but I did make this Wave publicly available so if you have it and want to drop by and hang out, come on by. The Wave's at...
For legality, a (rather large) page from Days Missing #1 after the cut.
( Btw, you should really be reading this book )
Tags: char: the steward, publisher: archaia, title: days missing
01:24 pm [zechs27]
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GLC #42 One page and a massive spoiler from the issue.
Tags: char: green lantern/kyle rayner, creator: patrick gleason, creator: peter j. tomasi, title: green lantern corps
01:28 pm [manofbats]
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Batgirl #7 Cover featuring Roxy Rocket
Tags: char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, publisher: dc comics, title: batgirl
01:48 pm [espanolbot]
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Superboy Prime Summarised in three words ( One page )
02:00 pm [mysteryfan]
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Spoilers! Batman and Robin #6
Tags: char: batman/dick grayson, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, creator: grant morrison, creator: philip tan, title: batman and robin
02:02 pm [interrobamf]
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Character development? Not when Tony Daniel's on the job!
Tags: creator: tony daniel, title: batman
02:24 pm [mysteryfan]
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Spoiler: Batman #693
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/dick grayson, creator: sandu florea, creator: tony daniel, title: batman
02:37 pm [colonel_green]
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Noir Time Four scans apiece from Daredevil #502 and Greg Rucka's creator-owned noir Stumptown #1.
So, last Wednesday in the old digs, it seems.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: daredevil/matt murdock, char: kingpin/wilson fisk, creator: andy diggle, creator: greg rucka, creator: matthew southworth, creator: roberto de la torre, publisher: marvel comics, publisher: oni press, title: daredevil, title: stumptown
02:51 pm [trueredorion]
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Green Lantern Corps #42 4 more pages from today's GLC #42 by Tomasi and Gleason.
Tags: char: green lantern/kyle rayner, char: green lantern/soranik natu, char: green lantern/warrior/guy gardner, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, creator: patrick gleason, creator: peter j. tomasi, event: blackest night, title: green lantern corps
03:56 pm [espanolbot]
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Clash of the Titans Trailer! Wondergirl for Legality ( Tonight... we dine... on SCORPIONS! )
05:11 pm [sherkahn]
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Beasts of Burden #3 preview This whole limited series (and I wish they will make more) is one of the reasons why Scans_daily is so great. I never would've gotten this on my own or discovered it if not for the posts and love from the board, and I would not have recommended it to other comic book fans who now have picked it up themselves.
The adventures continue in #3. Dark Horse has the preview.
05:39 pm [superfan1]
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Booster Gold #26 ( FlashBack and Present )
Tags: char: booster gold/michael jon carter, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: dan jurgens, creator: matthew sturges, creator: mike norton, creator: norm rapmund, publisher: dc comics, title: booster gold
06:37 pm [pyrotwilight]
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Black Cat brings us...the Batgirl Corps!
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: flamebird/bette kane, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, title: gotham underground
06:53 pm [sinisterlink]
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Awesome Comics Are Awesome
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: angel/archangel/warren worthington, char: ares/marvel, char: black bishop/harry leland, char: bullseye/hawkeye, char: captain america/bucky barnes, char: constrictor, char: diamondback/rachel leighton, char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: hercules/marvel, char: jewel/jessica jones, char: krypto the superdog, char: mockingbird/bobbi morse, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: night nurse, char: nightshade/tilda johnson, char: pyro/st. john allerdyce, char: quicksilver/pietro maximoff, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: scorpion/venom/mac gargan, char: spider-woman/jessica drew, char: storm/ororo munroe, char: superboy/kon-el/conner kent, char: thunderbird/john proudstar, char: usagent/john walker, char: warpath/james proudstar, char: white queen/emma frost, char: wolverine/akihiro/daken, creator: brian michael bendis, creator: chris yost, creator: christos gage, creator: clayton crain, creator: craig kyle, creator: dan slott, creator: david williams, creator: francis manapul, creator: geoff johns, creator: jorge molina, creator: mike choi, creator: scott gray, creator: sean chen, creator: sonia oback, creator: stuart immonen, event: necrosha, group: avengers, group: new avengers, group: the hellions, group: x-force, group: x-men, in-joke: tl;dr, title: adventure comics, title: avengers the initiative, title: mighty avengers, title: new avengers, title: uncanny x-men first class, title: x-force
08:37 pm [dr_hermes]
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The unfortunate side of Plastic Man's powers Looking over some of the great Jack Cole's work on Plastic Man in the 1940s, something occurred to me.We see Plas eating and drinking occasionally. So when he pulls a stunt like this:

Well, wouldn't the natural digestive gases found in the intestines be forced out through their logical exit? And wouldn't this be much like squeezing a whoopee cushion, with similar attention-drawing noises? ("Did youse mugs hear that? It means Plastic Man's here!" "No, boss-- that wuz me, I had chili for lunch.")
Tags: char: plastic man/patrick o'brian, creator: jack cole, era: golden age
09:36 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Fables 90 Ozma takes the stage...

Tags: creator: bill willingham, creator: mark buckingham, publisher: vertigo, title: fables
11:30 pm [parsimonia]
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Lex Luthor possesses two things in abundance Okay, well, we already know he has forty cakes. And the other is...
Tags: char: lex luthor, title: superdictionary