Daily Scans - September 1st, 2009
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01:30 am [starwolf_oakley]
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Political cartoon regarding the Big Buyout After the cut, a political cartoon regarding the big "Disney buys Marvel" story.
For legality.

This panel is from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #153. Mary Jane is angry over Peter ditching her at a party (hosted by J. Jonah Jameson) two issues back. With the whole "Mary Jane knew Peter's secret all along" reveal, this anger is really concern and worry over Peter constantly risking his life as Spider-Man. Does this make Mary Jane more complex?
( Mixing a spider and a mouse )
Tags: char: mary jane watson, creator: ross andru, title: amazing spider-man
02:15 am [chthonicspirit]
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Mad gun-fu is a martial art, right? One of the fun things about Gunsmith Cats was that it was an incredibly geeky series. Many of the plot points were designed specifically to allow Kenichi Sonoda to nerd out about things he liked, such as muscle cars, spy gadgets, and guns he is not allowed to own because of Japan's incredibly strict guns laws. Not only that, but occasionally, in the gaps between plot arcs, the action would break so that Rally could spend pages on end talking to the audience other characters about the tricks of her trade.
One such scene can be found beneath the cut.
Tags: creator: kenichi sonoda, medium: manga, series: martial arts week, title: gunsmith cats
10:43 am [volksjager]
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The Thing kickin' ass in World war two (70th anniversary tribute)

Also , cool Liberty Legion team-up ! ( Read more... )
Current Music: Aga Agaht " I'm not NOT licking frogs" Tags: char: the thing/ben grimm, group: the liberty legion, publisher: marvel comics, title: marvel two-in-one
11:00 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353875/376622) [Link] |
The Essential Mr. Bones, Part 1
 In several parts I will be posting the original appearances of Mr. Bones from the Infinity, Inc. title.
Tags: char: arak, char: baby boom, char: dr. love, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, char: kritter, char: mr. bones, char: northwind/norda cantrell, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: penny dreadful, char: silver scarab/dr. fate/hector hall, char: skyman/sylvester pemberton, char: tao jones, creator: dann thomas, creator: roy thomas, creator: todd mcfarlane, group: helix, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, series: essential mr. bones, title: infinity inc.
12:34 pm [colonel_green]
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No word on whether Tinkerbell is her mom. Some news regarding writer Kathryn Immonen's next project, a miniseries in the X-Universe focussing on Pixie, as well as two scans from a past issue of Uncanny X-Men.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: armor/hisako ichiki, char: blindfold/ruth aldine, char: mercury/cessily kincaid, char: pixie/megan gwynn, char: x-23/laura kinney, creator: kathryn immonen, creator: matt fraction, creator: stuart immonen, creator: terry dodson, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
12:39 pm [batmanexaminer]
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Answering some of your Disney questions For some of you wondering what the Disney buying Marvel is going to mean, hopefully this will answer some of your questions.
The rest is all guessing....
For legality...
Tags: char: spider-man/peter parker, publisher: marvel comics
01:00 pm [icon_uk]
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It's a holiday weekend and that means.... Batman and Sons!! As part of her ongoing campaign to make us all dead of cute, the Black Cat has put together something for a distinctly American Holiday (both in name and spelling) Labor Day. (We just call it the late Summer Bank Holiday)
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: batman/terry mcginnis, char: green lantern/kyle rayner, char: hitman/tommy monaghan, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: the black cat, genre: fanart
04:00 pm [neuhallidae]
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The Halls of Fate, Part One (yes, I know, bad pun, shut up)
After the events of Gaiman's Sandman, it's revealed in JSA Secret Files and Origins that Wesley Dodds, the man who fought crime under the name Sandman in the 40s, still retains the "gift" of prophetic dreams that he gained in his encounter with Morpheus. And so our story begins with a death, a murder, and a reincarnation.
Thirty two total pages from Secret Files, and JSA #1-4. So very not dialup friendly.
Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: dr. fate/kent nelson, char: dream of the endless, char: flash/jay garrick, char: green lantern/alan scott, char: hawkgirl/kendra saunders, char: mordru, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: sand/sandman/sandy hawkins, char: sandman/wesley dodds, char: silver scarab/dr. fate/hector hall, char: stargirl/courtney whitmore, char: starman/jack knight, creator: james robinson, creator: stephen sadowski, publisher: dc comics, series: halls of fate, title: justice society of america
08:39 pm [thanekos]
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War Machine MAX: Of Starktech, AIM, and SHIELD Spec Ops (a note: not to be confused with the non-MAX War Machine series, which has less self-dating art and is actually in continuity, as this one is clearly not.
also, lotta images sized to 800 x 1000.)
so yeah, U.S War Machine: it's written by Chuck Austen, the art is kinda Adi Granovian in the sense that Rocman X is like anything Mega Man, and the plot's pretty stock.
But come on: James Rhodes picked up by SHIELD to lead a team outfitted with covertly acquired Starktech onto Latverian soil to stop an AIM plot? It just sounds cool, doesn't it?
( ... well, it turns out to be slow in getting to that coolness. )
Current Music: Buriki Daioh Theme - "JAM Project" (more like very good vocal impersonators) Tags: char: chris powell/darkhawk, char: dr. doom/victor von doom, char: iron man/tony stark, char: iron man/war machine/jim rhodes, char: modok/george tarleton, char: nick fury, creator: chuck austen
09:08 pm [teekoness]
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Firestorm - Being a newbie... One of the I absolutely adored about Moore's run on Firestorm was the sense of humour. Add to the fact Jamal Igle has a knack for distinct expressive faces and the main character Jason totally SUCKS at hiding his feelings, and it's loads of fun.
( Jason Rusch has a few things to learn... )
Tags: char: firestorm/jason rusch, creator: jamal igle, creator: stuart moore, title: firestorm