Daily Scans - April 27th, 2009
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12:00 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |

Tags: char: adam warlock, char: high evolutionary/herbert wyndham, publisher: marvel comics
09:01 am [drsevarius]
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Bat/Cat: The Dark Knight Returns

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: joker, char: robin/catgirl/carrie kelly, creator: frank miller, series: bat/cat, title: the dark knight returns
12:33 pm [schmevil]
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Two Modly Reminders We've been getting complaints, fairly regularly, about uncut spoilers, and about posters going over the 1/3 limit. Apparently it's time for a refresher on the posting guidelines.
3. LJ-cuts are required for any post which has more than one image. Because the community is being followed on LJ via a RSS feed, we ask that you use the following code, in place of the usual [lj-cut]: [div class="ljcut" text="this is the text of the cut"] body text [/div]. Replacing [] with <>. This code ensures that images are cut on IJ and LJ friends pages. Remember, unlike with a regular [lj-cut], there is no hyphen in the div cut.
You may use one preview image, maximum size 400x300 pixels, outside of the cut; it must be work-safe and it cannot contain spoilers. If it's from a recent comic, it is not allowed outside of a cut, no matter how spoilery it isn't. Long text or text with spoilers should be behind the cut.
When it comes to spoilers, err on the side of spoilerphobia. Better to cut everything, than make enemies of your fellow members. Similarly, when it comes to NSFW material, caution should be your watchword. Hemming and hawing over the NSFWness of an image? Cut it.
4. No more than one third the length of any single work should be posted on this community. That's 7 pages of a standard American comic, by the by. In regards to anthologies, graphic novels, manga and pamphlets with backup stories, do not exceed 1/3 of the total page count. Exceptions will by made at the discretion of the moderators.
It is your responsibility to check that another user hasn't beaten you to the punch. You can use the tags, and browse the archives to search through past entries. We will be relatively lenient if you accidentally post a few extra pages of a comic that's 30 years old and out of print in any collection, but a comic that's in print will be deleted without warning.
We will love you forever if you're posting more than 7 pages from a comic longer than 22 pages and indicate to us its exact length, so we don't need to bug you about it.
Please, save us the trouble of going through the inevitable "12 pages? How long is the book?" exchange, and just state upfront why your 30-page post is legal. This also ensures that your fellow members aren't wondering why you think you're above the rules, and prepared to bring down the wrath of the Copyright Overlords.
Tags: admin: faq, admin: mod post
12:50 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353890/376622) [Link] |
Aunt May: Rebirth! (not safe for dial-up)
 You saw her die; now, witness her glorious resurrection!
Tags: char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: mary jane watson, char: may parker, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: spider-woman/mattie franklin, creator: howard mackie, creator: john byrne, creator: john romita jr., creator: luke ross, creator: rafael kayanan, creator: steve skroce, creator: tom defalco, publisher: marvel comics
01:42 pm [bluefall]
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Wondy #31 Wondy preview time at the DCU blog (and, also, here, I guess).
Tags: char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: bernard chang, creator: gail simone
02:11 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7359403/376381) [Link] |
I Hate You! I Hate You!
Disclaimer: To the best of my memory, Warren magazines (Creepy, Eerie, Vampirella) were in the 80 to 100 page range. So the minimum maximum (is that an oxymoron?) would be 26 pages, and none of the stories have gone past that length.
Tags: publisher: warren, title: creepy
03:27 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Dan DiDio hated 52. There's an interview with Mark Waid up at some website (http://www.aintitcool.com/node/40896). While he dresses it up in tact, he says some pretty damning stuff about current DC management.
Waid on his Legion reboot: But now we're back to what I was saying before--how liquid DC continuity was at the moment. While we were busting our asses to rebuild the franchise (and getting periodic fan notes from Paul Levitz, which were gold to me), a whole different editorial office was allowing Brad Meltzer to undo absolutely all our hard work for one of his JLA stories, which (he'd been told) could star the 1980s Legion, as if ours never existed. I don't blame Brad at all, but boy, was that mismanaged on all levels--because it was deliberately kept secret from us until it was on the verge of being printed. I would have JUMPED at the chance to play along somehow, thus strengthening a new Legion series that were on about issue four or five of, rather than sending a message that our Legion was just some sort of aberrant fan-fiction. (Yes, I'm still pissed.) Barry and I were dealt with in unbelievable bad faith, which I could have endured, but it wasn't just about Barry and me; it made DC as a whole just look stupid and uncoordinated, and I still love DC enough to hate when that happens.
Waid on 52: The biggest challenge was actually, wisely, kept from us by Steve [Wacker]. EIC Dan Didio, who first championed the concept, hated what we were doing. H-A-T-E-D 52. Would storm up and down the halls telling everyone how much he hated it. And Steve, God bless him, kept us out of the loop on that particular drama. Siglain, having less seniority, was less able to do so, and there's one issue of 52 near the end that was written almost totally by Dan and Keith Giffen because none of the writers could plot it to Dan's satisfaction. Which was and is his prerogative as EIC, but man, there's little more demoralizing than taking the ball down to the one-yard line and then being benched by the guy who kept referring to COUNTDOWN as "52 done right."
Dammit, what's wrong with DiDio? Seriously, it's incredibly obvious that pretty much any random fan would do a better job running the DC Universe than him.
Now, here's a link to the full first issue of Waid's Potter's Field mini-series, which BOOM! Studios has kindly made free online: http://forums.boom-studios.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=317
And for legality, because I now realize links no longer qualify (oops!), a cover from Countdown:
Tags: creator: dan didio
06:01 pm [ghosty732]
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Corps 101: Indigo Tribe DC's blog has a profile up today of the Indigo Tribe, embodiments of Compassion.
Tags: char: indigo, event: blackest night, group: indigo tribe, publisher: dc comics
07:25 pm [uadlika]
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BAT/CAT WEDDING! Continuing in my belief that EVERY week is Bat/Cat week (um, if that's okay with you guys) I bring you the Batman/Catwoman wedding from Nightwing #52, which is reprinted in the Nightwing: On Razor's Edge
Repost from the old s_d.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: catwoman/selina kyle, creator: chuck dixon, creator: greg land, publisher: dc comics, series: bat/cat, title: nightwing
09:34 pm [peur_evol]
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Tags: publisher: harvey comics
10:13 pm [puckeroo]
[Link] | we seen them with the rich pricks-that you to tony! here another one
mr David Xanatos this was from something I found a rummage sale.
ps-am not sure if I got the Jcut and the tags right
pss-I gave up on the j cut
Tags: publisher: marvel comics
10:14 pm [water_pot]
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smallville webcomic
 ( Read more... )
Tags: medium: webcomic
10:19 pm [water_pot]
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Kinnikuman Manga a couple of pages warsman vs teabag man ( Read more... )
Tags: medium: manga, title: kinnikuman
10:31 pm [dr_hermes]
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Walt Kelly's "Mouse Into Elephant"

What an ODD little story. This first appeared (as far as I can tell) in the 1966 THE POGO POOP BOOK. Walt Kelly took advantage of these collections to publish some of his more offbeat and experimental stories. "Mouse Into Elephant" is fourteen pages long, done in pencil. A mouse named "Gnot-even" is protesting that mice are treated like a minority, while elephants are loved by everyone. "Us mice have to live in holes and eat what we steal-- we're an Oppressed Majority." This mouse goes to Frump, a powerful fairy who seems to be a derelict woman living in an alley and drinking ketchup out the bottle. Frump thinks it's a good idea. She does magic, and mice and elephants switch sizes.
But the mice find people still hate them, and now they're out in the rain with no place to live. Meanwhile the elephants have a career in show business ahead of them (rather exploited, it seems). Gnot-even pleads tearfully to Frump, who restores everything back the way it was. The moral is... well, I'm not sure what the moral is, even if there is one. Frump observes, "We could always deliver a miracle-- but would we want to live with it?"
Tags: era: silver age, theme: funny animals
11:40 pm [starwolf_oakley]
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Looking for Hulk story I vaguely remember a Hulk story where the Hulk finds himself in a regular town where everyone is nice to him, and no one seems to notice he is huge and green. The Hulk wonders if he can be happy there, then the town vanishes like Brigadoon. I think someone on the old board compared it to a Twilight Zone story. Anyone know what I mean?
For legality, some selections from Bruce Banner's subconscious. EDIT: Only three pages. Just in case.
( React! React! )
Tags: char: hulk/bruce banner, creator: dale keown, creator: peter david, publisher: marvel comics