08:53 am [drsevarius]
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Hawkeye and Valkyrie
Tags: char: dr. strange/stephen strange, char: hawkeye/ronin/clint barton, char: valkyrie/brunnhilde, group: defenders, publisher: marvel comics, title: defenders
09:00 am [seriousfic]
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Scott and Barda show us how UST is done.

( I enjoy vintage Jack Kirby far too much behind the cut. )
Tags: char: big barda/barda free, char: mr. miracle/scott free, publisher: dc comics, title: justice league international
09:29 am [morgana006]
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One page from Underworld Unleashed (part 2) In the DC universe, Neron is the guy to go to if you want to sell your soul to the devil. You may know this, but he first turned up in this little cross-company-crossover (say that five times fast) called Underworld Unleashed, where he was collecting souls of all the supervillains of the DC universe in exchange for various stuff.
Some got powered up. Some gained back their youth. Some got to kill off a kindergarten.
Tags: char: abra kadabra, char: circe, char: dr. polaris/neal emerson, char: joker, char: lex luthor
09:41 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7654956/376622) [Link] |
Will there be ponies?
Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, char: franklin richards, publisher: marvel comics
10:00 am [mizuno_youko]
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An unusual lesbian manga: Honey & Honey Takeuchi Sachiko's Honey & Honey is an autobiographical manga. Though some of it is educational (intended to show people what Sachiko's life is like as a sexual minority in Japan, and clear up misconceptions), it's mostly funny stories about Sachiko and her friends.
The art is not for everyone, but I think it's cute and suits the style of the story. If you like Plica, you'll probably like this too.
Tags: genre: yuri, medium: manga
10:29 am [volksjager]
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An Alan Scott origin...

( Read more... )
Current Music: Ladytron " Keepler's law of deminissing returns" Tags: char: green lantern/alan scott
11:50 am [chthonicspirit]
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Dope week: Surprise, surprise . . . One Piece is not exactly the type of Manga where you expect to find recreational drug use, but there you have it, in this scene from OP 514:
( Read more, and be amused ... )
Also, if I could get a modly opinion on something - what exactly is the policy on posting manga? Is it one third of the single chapters, or one third of a volume? This post is legal either way, but I was just thinking - there's a case to be made in favor of applying the one third rule to volumes, since most manga haven't ever been published in English as single issues. Also, some manga have chapters of wildly varying length - Hellsing, for instance, has chapters eight pages long, and chapters thirty-four pages long - making it difficult, if not impossible, to post anything cohesive from the shorter chapters while staying under one third of them.
Just food for thought. Sorry if that issue has been already settled, somewhere where I missed it.
Tags: creator: eiichiro oda, medium: manga, title: one piece
01:30 pm [colonel_green]
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Northstar! Special Returning Character!
Four scans from Uncanny X-Men #508, featuring surprisingly tolerable art from Greg Land.
Tags: char: aurora/jeanne-marie beaubier, char: goblyn queen/madelyne pryor, char: northstar/jean-paul beaubier, char: psylocke/betsy braddock, char: revanche/kwannon, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: matt fraction, publisher: marvel comics, title: uncanny x-men
03:17 pm [itspizzatime]
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Spider-man and Human Torch Fun In anticipation for the current Amazing Spider-man storyline, I'm posting the final issue of the Spider-man/Human Torch miniseries from a few years back when Johnny learns Pete's secret identity.

Dial up users can click here
Tags: char: human torch/johnny storm, char: invisible woman/susan storm, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: the thing/ben grimm, group: fantastic four
04:45 pm [colonel_green]
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The Windshield of Destiny
Four scans from Captain America #49, in which there is an emotional scene, wacky dreamscapes, and quite possibly the best line of the series so far.
Tags: char: arnim zola, char: falcon/sam wilson, char: red skull/johann schmidt, char: sharon carter, creator: ed brubaker, creator: luke ross, publisher: marvel comics, title: captain america
04:55 pm [dorksidefiker]
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Not the best examples of Superhero Behavior .... or, "You all can blame icon_uk for this post."
A long, long time ago, I started The Things Billy Kaplan Is Not Allowed to do as a Young Avenger. It was, much later, reposted on old S_D, and proved mildly amusing to some at least.
What most don't know is that I did two other such lists: Things Anole is Not Allowed to do at Xaviers and Things Decibel is Not Allowed to Do as a New Warrior.
Neither were quite as popular, but I felt like pimping sharing. And it gives me a good excuse to post the scan below the cut.
Edit: Dumb Question: How should we tag Iron Lad?
Tags: char: hulkling/teddy altman, char: patriot/eli bradley, char: wiccan/billy kaplan, creator: allan heinberg, creator: jim cheung, title: young avengers
04:57 pm [superfan1]
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Action Comics # 876 ( Family issues spoiler cut )
Current Mood: busy Tags: char: flamebird/thara ak-var, char: nightwing/lor-zod/chris kent, creator: eddy barrows, creator: greg rucka
05:05 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7348461/376381) [Link] |
The Third Night Of Mourning
Tags: publisher: warren, title: creepy
05:32 pm [pyrotwilight]
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Tiny Titans #15
Tags: publisher: dc comics, title: tiny titans
05:44 pm [sailorlibra]
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Preview from GABC 19 is up
Tags: char: cupid, char: green arrow/oliver queen
07:28 pm [l_arlesienne]
[Link] | Someone asked for "Anything Including Deadpool or the Human Torch" in their message on the request post.
I don't really have anything with the Human Torch.
So...here's something with Deadpool...
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, title: cable & deadpool
09:01 pm [volksjager]
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Powergirl vs. Superman (Earth-1)

( Read more... )
Current Music: Insekt 5 "Green will indicate irony" Tags: char: power girl/kara zor-l/karen starr, char: superman/clark kent, publisher: dc comics
10:23 pm [bluefall]
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I miss Birds of Prey. From this week's GREEN ASSHOLE/INCOMPETENT LASS.
Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: green arrow/oliver queen, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow/black canary
10:59 pm [icon_uk]
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When Alan Moore wrote Doctor Who... sort of Many moons ago (29 years ago to be precise), before he even wrote for 2000AD, an up and coming UK writer wrote for Doctor Who Weekly. Fresh faced and sprightly (Well, actually probably not, but it's a fun mental image) this eager young creator wrote, amongst others, a little trilogy of back up strips detailing some unseen elements of the past of the Doctor's people, the Time Lords of Gallifrey. Even with Maxwell the Magcial Cat under his belt, who knew Alan Moore would go so far! :) The triology also introduced a couple of characters who would go on to bigger, and better, things, but not yet.
Tags: char: doctor who, creator: alan moore, creator: john stokes
11:10 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Beast vs. the Big Bad Wolf (Fables #83) One's the former sheriff of Fabletown. The other's his replacement in the new (well, not so new by this point) liberal administration. In this issue, they come to physical blows.
Tags: title: fables
11:35 pm [drsevarius]
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Green Arrow/Black Canary #19 Remember last time we saw Dinah and Ollie, he tased her?
Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: green arrow/oliver queen, title: green arrow/black canary