Daily Scans - February 28th, 2009
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12:42 am [colonel_green]
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A Classic Moment from Incredible Herc
Because I just couldn't go to sleep tonight without posting something, here's an old post of my favourite issue of Incredible Hercules, #120, pitting our hero against the evil Skrull gods.
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: hercules/marvel, char: snowbird/narya/anne mckenzie, publisher: marvel comics, title: incredible hercules
12:47 am [superfan1]
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Justice Society of America #24 ( spoiler )
Tags: char: black adam/teth-adam/theo adam, char: captain marvel/billy batson, char: flash/jay garrick, char: green lantern/alan scott, char: isis/adriana tomaz, char: mary marvel/mary batson, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: power girl/kara zor-l/karen starr, char: stargirl/courtney whitmore, char: wildcat/ted grant, creator: geoff johns, group: justice society of america, publisher: dc comics, title: justice society of america
01:14 am [suzene]
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A Call For Suggestions Since it's probably a good idea to jump on this before things get too unwieldy:
IJ has no tagging system. Have people suggestions on how we can keep track of posts this time? A Wiki of some sort, perhaps?
EDIT: Apparently IJ does have a tagging system. Nevermind. :)
( Also, Zauriel being punched by a nun )
Tags: char: aquaman/orin/arthur curry, char: zauriel, publisher: dc comics
01:15 am [kijikun]
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Monkeys do not make everything better ( They really don't )
Tags: in-joke: wtf
02:09 am [filbypott]
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Hark! A Vagrant Three short history lessons from "Hark! A Vagrant", featuring Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, Queen Hatshepsut, Anne of Cleves, and the ever-lovin' King Henry VIII!

( Whoa whoa whoa who put this obelisk here )
Tags: creator: kate beaton, medium: webcomic, title: hark! a vagrant
02:12 am [hiratsu]
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"Ohhh, Doomsie!" These four scans were posted way back when on the LJ community, but as that's gone, here they are again.
( Read more... )
Current Music: Repo! The Genetic Opera Tags: char: dr. doom/victor von doom, char: human torch/johnny storm, char: invisible woman/susan storm, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: the thing/ben grimm, group: fantastic four, publisher: marvel comics
04:27 am [lurkerwithout]
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Seriously. NEVER. LEAVE. AGAIN. I missed you all so much. Never leave again!
And in honor of our reunion
( Have some ps238 )
Current Mood: happy Tags: medium: webcomic
06:17 am [shadeedge]
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I think we could do with some cheering up. And I know what I think of when I need cheering up.
 ( Yotsuba )
Tags: medium: manga
11:21 am [dorksidefiker]
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I suspect PAD's gonna be getting this reaction a lot I hope nobody minds horribly if I repost this, since it didn't get backed up before we lost the LJ comm...
From LilFormers
( Read more... )
Tags: medium: webcomic
11:23 am [kaetepixie]
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New Rules, Old Rules? Since we're trying to make this something of a refugee camp for SD - should we consider new rules that would make the same thing less likely to happen? I'd love to hear the SD mods' ideas on making the community more "copyright friendly." A quarter of a comic instead of half? A minimum of reviewing or comments so it's more like a legal review with fair use instead of simply posting comics to read?
At the very least we should probably try to find a backup of the old rules and post them in the community front page, if anyone has them.
For random legality:
Tags: in-joke: context is for the weak
11:27 am [longhairedlady]
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Robin saves the day I've only been on scans_daily for a little while, and I've only ever posted there once, but I still can't believe it's gone. The only thing I can think to do is to make sure this place is like the old one! Now, as for as I can tell, the proudest traditions of scans daily are context being for the week, and perving on Robin. In that vein, I bring you
( Tim Drake just proved he has what it takes to be Robin )
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, publisher: dc comics
12:29 pm [daggerpen]
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Old Community Rules and Profile
(Google cache is a wonderful thing, no? Also: all user and community links are the old LJ ones.)
For legality:
( So I might be just a little obsessed with the character... )
Current Mood: WTF, LJ? Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, in-joke: context is for the weak
12:50 pm [seriousfic]
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The Spirit - Cooter Creek So we all know Samuel L. Jackson's Octopus was pretty gonzo. But he was not the lamest villain the Spirit's ever fought. Cooter was. In fact, Cooter might be the lamest villain ever to appear in any comic book. I guess not even Eisner can knock them all out of the park. So who was Cooter?
Warning: The racist caricatures of Ebony White and his supporting cast figure prominently into this story.
( But it's---it's not a rock! )
Tags: char: the spirit/denny colt, creator: will eisner, title: the spirit
05:17 pm [wyatt1048]
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Astro City Hi. I'm another person who has signed up to IJ just for this comm, after the LJ verson was taken out back and delt with. That made me sad. I would never have started buying comics if it weren't for scans_daily; I would never have even cared about their existence. In fact, the comics I have bought are entirely ones I have previewed on that comm (my collection consists mainly of Alan Moore and Warren Ellis).
So, anyway.
( Here's a little story about a man who likes to watch superheroes. )
Tags: creator: brent anderson, creator: kurt busiek, publisher: image comics, title: astro city
06:38 pm [schmevil]
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The future of Scans Daily (yes there is one) (x-posted to my journal and Scans Daily 2.0)
First off, it's been wonderful to see you all come together. You guys did a great job of linking up my info post. Keep linking. There are already enough rumors, we don't want to encourage their spread. The other reason I want you guys to keep linking, is that I want to give as much of the membership as possible, a chance to connect with each other. We've all made friends at the comm, but not all of us had the forethought to exchange contact info.
Thanks to all of the membership, for being awesome. Special thanks to everyone who took positive steps towards maintaining our community.
refraction has offered lots of helpful advice on how to approach the Abuse Team.
raattgift has commented with clarifications on US intellectual property law.
pandanoai created a backup of the comm, early in February, and acroamatica has it mirrored here.
yatsuha made a syndicated feed for our Insane Journal backup, so we can watch it on LJ.
We've also received comments of support from Gail Simone and Warren Ellis. It means a lot, thank you both. ETA: and now Kurt Busiek as well!
Going Forward
Scans Daily at Insane Journal is picking up. The mod team will be updating the comm momentarily with the rules rewrite were working on before all this happened. Don't worry guys, nothing scary. *g* Unfortunately, IJ has a 1000 member limit on its comms, so this likely won't be our permanent home, but please do join and keep the spirit of SD alive. No Scans Daily, or stubbleupdate. A lot of people, (really, a lot of people), have been asking if there's anything they can do to help. I've thought about it, and there are a couple of things.
1) Information. If you're an expert on intellectual property and copyright, share some of that knowledge. If you've been TOSed for copyright violations, share that experience with us.
2) Post. Seriously guys, post. At Scans Daily 2.0 and No Scans Daily. Because we are not beaten.
3) Make love fanworks, not war. One of things we were working on, before the blowout, was sprucing up the comm. There's no reason we can't go forward with that. We are need of a profile banner and a new layout. Think about it - a contest will be announced shortly. If you like your graphics 100x100, shareable icons are welcome too. In fact, gankable commemorative icons for us all to share? Pure win.
4) Make love (to Scans Daily), not war. It's been great to hear your stories. How you discovered Scans Daily, and what it meant to you. Keep writing them.
Again, thanks, all of you. We'll keep you guys updated as to what we're working on.
Tags: admin: mod post
07:06 pm [espanolbot]
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Casstoon Reaction to Teen Titans and Wonder Woman Hello people of the new community!
Here's the Casstoon I meant to post on the old site, but was foiled by the unpleasantness.
( Contains Spoilers And A Possible NSFW Warning )
The ones I write are also included on my livejournal account, where I'll be attempting a new project in the next week or so. http://espanolbot.livejournal.com/
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
07:11 pm [parsimonia]
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Context is for the WEAK Because I don't think we've had a context-is-for-the-weak post here yet:
( Hint: It features a Robin... )
Current Music: cat stevens - on the road to find out Tags: char: robin/red robin/tim drake, in-joke: context is for the weak
07:49 pm [sailorlibra]
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Because I know what people really need to be happy. Scans and a chance to argue. What more could any good SDer want? *Well, okay, obviously porn or something of the sort, but I don't have anything like that, so this is what you get. ( Presenting THE face-off between Mr. Wayne and Mr. McGinnis. )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: batman/terry mcginnis, publisher: dc comics, theme: dcau, title: batman beyond
07:55 pm [rabican]
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[mod post] Hola! Hey guys. Well, it's been a bit rough, and it's going to be rough for a while yet, but I am so glad that there are so many people here and posting already. I apologize for the delay in pulling together official moderation announcements - the community was already suspended when I woke up, so you can imagine we've been running around a lot behind the scenes trying to pull everything together.
Without further ado:
1) The new rules which we were planning to announce on livejournal, erm, this coming week or thereabouts are now in the community userinfo. There is also an additional FAQ on posting guidelines. No matter how long you've been a member of scans_daily, in whatever capacity, please read both pages carefully, because we're not taking ignorance of the new rules as an excuse from this point forwards.
Because there have been some fairly major changes to the rules along with the obvious server transition, there's a definite possibility of more tweaks in the near future, particularly ones that will protect us from further TOS-ing. We promise to keep you informed.
1a) In particular, please note that we've changed the page limits from half an issue to one third of an issue - that's down from 11 to 7 pages of an average issue, 5 pages for recent comics. (Yeah, yeah, still arbitrary, but possibly more amenable to TPTB.) Check the new rules for more detail. If you've posted here at Insanejournal, we would appreciate it if you'd bring your post in line with the new regs.
2) Just to make sure everyone's clear on this, the mods of this insanejournal comm are myself and schmevil. stubbleupdate has decided to concentrate on noscans_daily, the LJ discussion comm, where you will be seeing me and I believe schmevil as well. So don't bother Stubble about things that happen here ;).
3) Kathleen David has informed me that she and Peter David have been getting a lot of nasty e-mails from s_d members about all this drama. (The account through which PAD originally posted on lj is actually hers.) Look, I know losing the livejournal community was hard - listen, my five year community anniversary just passed, so you certainly don't need to tell me how much this community means to people. Which in turn warms the cockles of my cynical heart, by the way. Even so, there's a lot of blame to be apportioned around to many different people (I don't exclude myself, frankly), and I personally doubt that PAD intended to nuke the entire comm when he made his complaints. There's a lot of scrutiny on us right now and I would appreciate it if you all would remember that what s_d members say at the moment reflects on all of us. Also, making asses of ourselves is totally against the community ethos, etc.
4) Insanejournal comms have a 1000 member cap, so this will not be our permanent home in all likelihood, but we'll try and make it a damn nice hotel. Sounds good? Sounds good.
Tags: admin: faq, admin: mod post
08:00 pm [batcookies]
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On the Bats Wish I had better news for my first post, but this is what caught my eye today.
( ''I don't make the news'' ''what's there is there'' etc. )
Tags: char: amanda waller, char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, creator: john ostrander, group: suicide squad, publisher: dc comics
08:18 pm [eritreus]
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An amusing and surreal comic from the campus newspaper I've been meaning to post these for some time, but I never got around to it until just now. From the student newspaper, I bring you ( Pex & Solly )
Tags: medium: webcomic
08:41 pm [gargoylekitty]
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The Green Arrow Soap Opera While it sucks to have lost some scans, the loss that sucks most to me is the conversations. Even when going back through old posts I'd often like to read back and see what people had to say. Some were smart. Some were stupid. Some were witty. Some were funny. All of them suck to loose... Then I remembered a conversation that wasn't lost. ( Cut for length ) On that note, anyone have any screencapped moments/conversations they'd like to share?
Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: green arrow/connor hawke, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, medium: fanart
08:54 pm [leikomgwtfbbq]
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Quiz-time, ladies and gents: If a fellow in blue jammies and red briefs came up to you in a bar and tried this line, with that sort of exceedingly smarmy look on his face, would you let him to buy you a drink, or would you laugh yourself hoarse?
Tags: char: superman/clark kent, in-joke: context is for the weak, in-joke: wtf
09:32 pm [espanolbot]
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Miss Martian, possession and public restrooms ( From Teen Titans 58 )
Tags: char: miss martian/m'gann m'orzz, publisher: dc comics, status: outdated link, title: teen titans
11:38 pm [perletwo]
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When Jason Todd believed in heroes - - helped turn the tide on the umpty-millionth Apokolips invasion, and Bruce acted like a real father to Jay. Six scans (not my scans!) from the Legends miniseries, circa 1987, writing by John Ostrander and Len Wein, art by John Byrne and Karl Kesel. ( It just keeps getting worse! ) Gosh, remember when stopping Apokoliptic invasions was actually fun?
ETA: Can I get a "Jason Todd" tag, Your Modlinesses? Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson and Cass Cain already have them, so, equal time for black sheep Robins plz?
Current Music: John Barry, "Diamonds Are Forever" OST Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: captain marvel/billy batson, char: glorious godfrey, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, creator: john byrne, creator: john ostrander, creator: karl kesel, creator: len wein, publisher: dc comics, title: legends
11:38 pm [dejadrew]
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If you can't get laid in the Sengoku Jidai, you're not trying. Testing out the new InsaneJournal account to see if I can get the hang of it, and I figured, my first post on the old Scans Daily was Ninja Turtles, so why not make my first post in this community Ninja Turtles too? Because what was true then is true now: The world needs more Ninja Turtles.
Tags: creator: jim lawson, publisher: mirage, title: teenage mutant ninja turtles