Let's discuss DC Nation, starring Dan "Unpleasant Fellow" Didio, shall we?
Is there a word for something that gives you all kinds of hope and still completely pisses you off? Because I'm having that right now. "Hey, guys, you know how you love Black Canary? You can have her!"
"In a BACKUP feature!"
Wasn't that the idea? Behind the book, I mean. Green Arrow/Black Canary, featuring Green Arrow and Black Canary. Black Canary. How bad has it gotten that Dinah was given stronger characterization when Judd Winick was writing her? Judd "Suck On My Sword Tip" Winick! (I am aware that this was years ago, and there have been far greater atrocities done against her character since, but come the fuck on, Judd Winick.)
I've got an idea. Everyone start cutting out Dinah and Ollie from Green Arrow/Black Canary. Paste Dinah into the Oracle mini and Ollie into Green Lantern. One insultingly stupid comic becomes two fantastically gay ones!
On the other hand, as long as the same author that writes Green Arrow/Some Random Damsel in Distress That Looks Like Black Canary isn't behind the backup feature (Didio implores us not to use that term, but come on now) it should be pretty good. A few pages of Dinah being ludicrously awesome every month might even make up for the weekly humiliation she's receiving, right?
Let me dream.
And in other news, I'm pretty stoked about Ravager getting her own feature. To say nothing of Renee. Always look on the bright side of life, children.