Four scans from this week's Incredible Hercules #127.
Hmph, in the old s_d I wouldn't have had to choose between the Hera/heroes scene and the Hera/Norman scene.
Herc, Cho, and Athena are hanging out in Silly's, the diner Ares was eating in back in #121; "Silly" is actually Silenus, one of Dionysus' greatest revelers. Anyway, Hera and her bodyguard/flunky Typhon show up; apparently, while Typhon's not big on Olympians in general, he's willing to take Hera's offer of getting to ice a few of them.
This issue's rather unique in the run so far; Athena actually shows some emotions other than "enigmatic".
Anyway, Hera throws a hissy fit and thunderbolts the table, saying that Athena's convening of the Council of the Pantheons back in #117 has all the other Skyfathers laughing about what a total tool Hera is.
Cho, perhaps taking the wrong lessons from Herc, decides he should sass the God of Thunder and starts expositing on Athena's origin; so, y'know, pregnancy, prophecy, digestion, splitting (ha) headache...
Hmm, looking pretty studly, Hephaestus; I'm guessing dad hasn't thrown you off Olympus yet.
Which makes Hera's kicking him out of the Olympus Group look especially ungrateful, now that I think about it.