Continuing Rikki's attempts to fit in on our world, she's hanging out with our world's version of her brother John, and finally gets around to asking something that's been on her mind for a while:
I'm extremely confused by this aspect. I was under the impression that Rikki was Bucky's AU granddaughter, but if her family exists in our world I'm not sure how that could work.
Anyway, Flag-Smasher interrupts this moment by detonating a bomb outside that injures John - Rikki heads off to fight him. He almost gets way, but for...
Sam, unlike Natasha apparently, knows how to not be a douche.
I like the new costume for Rikki, too; though, weirdly, on the covers it's drawn like her pants are white, but here they're blue.
We now return to Rikki's awkward relationship with John, which, as I totally called last month, gets the awkward cranked up to eleven:
Westermarck Effect, Rikki; seriously.
John gets the "you're like a brother" line, but since she doesn't include the "you literally are my brother" part, there's no mitigating that particular kick to the nuts.